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And so it continues

I've continued to work on this game design of mine (after having to take a few months break).

So this is just a little update (incase anyone ever decides to read this)

I have now worked out:
How players will gain and control resources.
The (many) different Special Actions that pieces can use in their combat and manoeuvring around the board.
How resources will be 'spent' to create buildings to claim territory and how they will confer bonuses to the pieces.

I have changed the combat system to go from getting "hit" results on a D6, to a D8, and have changed which numbers constitute a "hit". In my head (and in the initial playtesting) this is giving a perceived advantage to the attacker, making it "more useful" to be on the attack, rather than to "sit and wait" for the attacker to come to you. There are, however, other circumstances (special actions, retaliations, etc.) which can be applied.

And that's about it so far..

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blog | by Dr. Radut