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The Game Crafter is partnering up with Jonathan Gilmour!

The Game Crafter - TGC is partnering up with Jonathan Gilmour on his new Make/100 Kickstarter campaign

We are excited to announce that The Game Crafter is working with Jonathan Gilmour (Co-Designer of Dead of Winter) on his new “Make/100 Hand made board games” Kickstarter campaign. We will be producing 100 copies of this limited edition game at our print on demand board game manufacturing facility in Madison, Wisconsin.

There are 11 days left in this campaign and it has already received over $16,000 (325%) in funding, so it’s definitely going to happen! Unfortunately, all 100 pledges for the games we’re producing have already been claimed, but there are still about 7 pledges available for the hand made copies that Jonathan will be making. So if you’re interested in the game, you’ll want to grab one of those right away or keep checking back to see if anyone cancels.

Click here to check out the campaign!

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blog | by Dr. Radut