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Introducing GameCon & Sample Art

Oversized Foam Weapon Card
Platypus Hat Games Logo
Scarecity Games Logo
Steampunk Goggles

We at Winsmith Games (all two of us) are working towards publishing our first game this year, GameCon. Our kickstarter campaign will be launched a week before GenCon 50, where we plan to have "GameCon: Learn & Play" events.

We are thrilled to have the opportunity to team up with Benjamin Raynal and Sebastián Koziner. Benjamin was the illustrator for one of my personally favorite games, King of Tokyo. Sebastián has been the graphic designer for many successful Kickstarters.

In GameCon, each player is an attendee at a gaming convention competing for the most points. Attendees earn points by visiting publisher booths and winning micro-games, collecting cosplay, earning end-game Awards, and playing interactive Action cards.

Attached are a few of the Pre-Kickstarter GameCon illustrations and graphic design:

-Steampunk Goggles [Cosplay Item]
-Oversized Foam Weapon [Concept Card]
-Platypus Hat Games [Publisher Logo]
-Scarecity Games [Publisher Logo]

Any feedback anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for reading!

David Smith, Winsmith Games

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