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Kingdoms of Immacus: Card Game Progress Report 4/04/16-4/10/16

This week was really busy with life events, including my brother’s wedding, so I wasn’t as productive as I wanted to be. I was able to finish the changes to the follower card and the changes to the principality card. I’m more or less happy with the way the changes look, and I will need to see how they play out in a play test session. I also started completing the blue cards, and all that is left are the buildings, which should be done early in the week. Hopefully, I will finish the blue set, print, cut, and get to a playtest this next week. If I am able to complete all these goals, the Te’kesh (orange) cards will be started that same week as well.

The Te’kesh is the race I have been the most hesitant to dive into. None of my colors minus red and maybe black really play into the MtG five color theory. Purple is kind of like blue with draw mechanics, but it has a lot of other things going on. My green isn’t buff creatures at low costs, but small creatures at a small cost, and a lot of them with swarming mechanics. My blue isn’t anything like Magic’s blue, instead relying heavily on beefy creatures and shielding mechanics. With that all being said, the Te’kesh (orange race) are heavy magic users and a magic control type of race. With the changes to some of the magic resource mechanics, I’m interested in how that will change the card concepts that were done early on in the design process. Either way, once I have their card face done, I’ll have a visual understanding on what direction the card content should go.

-Jonathan Flike

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