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Moving with colors

Color moving game board


I want players to have a race in my game.
I didn´t like the idea of just moving one space forward a time. I came up witht the idea that they could move with colors, the colors come up randomly. You always can move to the next color that came up if you win a challenge. In some parts of the track you can decide if you take the left or right way.

What do you think of this mechanism ?


Are you going to use a spinner?

What will the COLORS be on? Are you planning to use a spinner or cards? I think both would equally work well.

I think you might consider what Voodoodog did a little while back with his "colored" map:

The thing I like about that map is that there are *bad* things that can happen along the way or you need certain items to move a bonus forwards, etc.

Colored cards


I want to use colored cards. The back of the cards show the color for the next step. The front side has the challenge on it. The game is a variant of my "Schnappschuss Safari" ( or

I want to track the points player make in a different way.

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