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new Labyrintheus layout

Labyrintheus Layout 2.0

After some old fashioned trial and error I have a new layout design for Labyrintheus. Now instead of the 80+ tiles needed to build the space station during setup there are 7 hex clusters. All six sides of the clusters fit with the other clusters (not just the shape but the wall pattern) so there are many layout possibilities. The teleporter and terminal rooms (which I've inked in black already) are currently marked with T and during game setup a teleporter or terminal tile would go on those spaces (one of each per cluster). The spaces marked with an L are where the 'lockdown' tiles are placed. These will be double sided where one side shows the corridor is open and the other side shows the corridor is blocked. Once those tiles are made I think I can get back to playtesting.


80 sounds like a lengthy

80 sounds like a lengthy build. I think streamlining it is a good idea.

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