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Player Mats

As I said in my first Blog Post, I'm a very visual thinker.

I'm working on a project and I have to feel the 'pretty' or a vision of the end product, so sometimes cardboard cut-outs with pencil drawings just don't cut it for me.

I have a copy of photo shop and have been practicing with it extensively. Below are some prototype sketches of major components of my game, code name KQ.

Player mats:
This is where a player organizes and displays her 'stuff'. I've tentatively themed my game around Knights and Castles, so the player mats are composed of castle images relevant to the colours used to indicate player pieces.

Below is a sample image of the Black Player's mat. Here the player may display up to 3 Knights who will aid her in the game-cause. Here the player may purchase Creature Dwellings from the Menagerie - from which she can recruit fantastic creatures to aid her knights in the game-cause.
Also here are improvements that may be built that will aid the player in achieving her game goals.

This player mat shows placeholders for these items, along with an 'atmosphere image' for background theme, and summaries of what the Castle Improvements do for the player.

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blog | by Dr. Radut