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PNP - Rock Paper Scissors BANG!

Hi all,

I'm taking the plunge at PNP with my first game that I'm looking to publish. It's a simple tile laying game for 2-players, ages 7+. Takes about 10 minutes to play.

Looking for blind testing here, so please if you can find the time to print out the board, pieces* and instructions from the PDF attached and play it a few times and give me feedback, I'd really appreciate it.

Even just comments about whether you could follow the instructions.

It's yet to be shown to any other designers (going to a playtest meet on Sunday) only friends..

As I can't get the instructions below the 1Mb size limit (even when rasterizing and grayscaling) here's a link to the glorious full colour PDF on my website:

Thanks in advance!

*It's worth backing the pieces onto cardboard so they can be stacked during the game.


Will print out and give it a

Will print out and give it a shot bud. Looking forward to trying it.

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