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The price of sucsess

If you have been following along Star Trek Five Year Mission is doing well and we have already discussed doing an expansion or two.

The first I hope will be a suite of small expansions that you can add on or mix and match as you like. This includes the expansions: Complications, Away Missions, and Special orders. All is going well with this but much more testing is required. This has not been approved as of yet but my fingers are crossed.

The second is what we originally discussed i.e. making an entirely new set with either DS9 or Voyager. Polls suggest that DS9 would be a bigger draw but since we did a double sided version in the original with STOS & STNG there is no reason that we could not do both. That is other than the shear magnitude of the undertaking.

To do the ST5YM I had to re-watch both series STOS had 2 pilots and 29 episodes. STNG had 178 a total of 209 episodes to review for screen captures and thematic content over a period of about three years; just less than two years for design and about 9 month of development with Mayfair Games.

DS9 had 176 episodes and Voyager has 172 for a grand total of 348 episodes. Since the main mechanic of the game is well tested I am hoping the design time will be more like a year than two. This means that I need to watch at an episode a day on average. Not so much a daunting task unless you multiply that by the time it takes about 45 min each without commercials probably more like 55 min since I pause now and then to make a quick note. That’s a whopping 319 hours.

Not that I am complaining, its fun going through them in order as I have not seen either series in many years.


I just bough ST-TNG Anniversary Edition

Paid $200.00 for the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Anniversary Edition. You get 49 DVDs and it's about $4.00 per DVD - which is rather reasonable. I have waited about 14 years for buying the DVDs. The original price for them was well over $1,000.00! That's when we had Movie Rental stores and I had asked one rental place to find out the cost. $1,000+ Ouch!

In any case, I've been watching them... It's FUN and entertaining in a way that I don't need to use my mind. Just watch the episodes and see IF I remember then from way back when it was on TV.

Anyways at $4.00 a DVD it's a worthwhile purchase (if you LIKE Star Trek)!

Streaming it from

Streaming it from works better for me as I need to watch two series. It's not that expensive and i can write it off as a business expense.

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blog | by Dr. Radut