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Six words about innovation or plagiarism (or both) in games

Six words about innovation or plagiarism (or both) in games

According to tweetdeck, one of the trending:worldwide topics on twitter not so long ago was 6 word stories. In the past few months I've asked people to say 6 words about game design, programming, wargames, stories in games, and casual games.

This time the challenge is this: say six words about innovation or plagiarism (or both) in games.


Even the best ideas are old.

Even the best ideas are old.

Someone else is doing it better

"Someone else is doing it better"

It's a bit pessimist, I know, but it happened to me a lot of times.

Make it how you'd play

Make it how you'd play it.

(If you want it to be fun for others, it must be fun for you first)

"Good artists copy, great

"Good artists copy, great artists steal" - Picasso

Everything's already been

Everything's already been done to death.


You are not a unique snowflake!

Stolen art is the best art

Stolen art is the best art

I have the most unique

I have the most unique idea.

Put your own twist on it.

Any game can be made better.

Don't be jerk- do your work

Don't be jerk- do your work

Know your tools. Deconstruct your assumptions.

Know your tools. Deconstruct your assumptions.

Your game always needs more

Your game always needs more playtesting.

Learn from the greats...

Immitation in part breeds innovative art.

Originality comes from

Originality comes from combinations of ideas
Originality is in execution not idea
Copying entire design is morally reprehensible

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blog | by Dr. Radut