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Skool rools

The Rules for Foul Treachery at St Gertrudes are at last finished... when I say finished of course I don't actually mean that, but rather that I've got the basic mechanics down in stultifying detail... there are also diagrams! but not enough. There is no game play examples yet either something that I think is a must in a rule (Sorry, 'Rool) book (Buk?).

The good thing about putting the rules down like this is that I've found it has pointed up some weak points in the game which you just can't see when you are playing stuff trough in your head. Things changed as I was going along. The way that I went about it was i first created three flow charts which showed all the paths that players go down through the three differant phases of the game and then I used these to inform my writing of the book. There came a point when one was informing the other and the rules changed the flow chart to some degree and then also some of the game pieces too. I also found that more Actoin cards were suggested to me whilst putting all this stuff down... so all in all a very positive experiance.

Not so positive is that fact that the person that I had on board to create some art for my project has dropped off the map quite spectacularly. This is a real shame because i was very much looking forward to her input. The board consists mostly of a portrait wall of every one of the characters in the game these are also recreated on the character cards so that you can link one to the other easily. Yes I could just have the names on the board but this is not as pleasing to me (or I would guess as easy to link quickly). There is of course the option of pulling some images off the internet and using them in the prototype... somthing that I had planned to do in the first place but I was seduced into thinking that I would be able to have a consistant art style across the board... ah well the best laid plans of mice and men!

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blog | by Dr. Radut