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Strategy Dartboard Game

I have a desire to create a dartboard based strategy game. There are no games like that out there. And the ones that out there, like Cricket and Football, are extremely primitive



I'm very excited about the new game. I got inspired to make it by the game I played in my childhood. The game was played outside on the ground. The players had to take over a 4ft diameter circle by throwing knifes and drawing straight lines. So my new game is probably going to be about conquering territories. Pins are going to flag the occupied ones. So much more to figure out

the map

The map on the dartboard is gonna look like The Settlers of Catan. The hexagons cover the board very efficiently and make more sense than any shapeless spaces. 19 hexagons can be conquered by players one by one. It would also make sense if players could steal spaces from each other. Little play-testing showed that it takes quite some time(over 40 minutes) for one player to take over the whole map

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blog | by Dr. Radut