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The Third Epoch: Truly Bespoke Games at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter - Truly Bespoke Games (completely custom punchouts)

Seven years and 1 week ago we launched The Game Crafter. That was the first epoch.

5 years and 2 weeks ago we announced the second epoch via A Crafter’s Manifesto, where we took The Game Crafter out of beta.

Today, we’re proud to tell you about our third epoch, the era of truly bespoke print on demand games. As of today, you can not only design what gets printed on your game components, you can actually design the shapes of those components as well. Need a dragon for your adventure? No problem!

Anything you can imagine, you can build for your game with our new Custom Small, Medium, and Large Punchouts.
Unlike epoch 2, we didn’t release all of this as one giant update. Instead, we have been building towards it for 2 years. We’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and put in thousands of hours of research, software development, and training so that you can make the best version of your game come to life.

As we released them, things like laser cutting, uv coating, mix-n-match, linear pricing, and dozens of other small features probably all seemed like 1-off enhancements to our service. In truth, they were simply milestones building to this. We needed to test each of these pieces extensively. The only way to truly know that what we were doing was going to work was to put these things in your hands–a staged rollout over the course of a year. The dragon video above is just one of dozens of hints we released in the past two years.

But that’s enough of a history lesson for now.

Over the next few weeks we’ll be showing you examples of all the amazing things you can do with Custom Punchouts. For the first time ever, you’ll be able to build big, chunky games with all kinds of fantastic components that you could only dream about having in a full production run in the past. And the best part is, this is only the beginning of the third epoch! We have a lot more to reveal as we advance in this new era.

What are you waiting for? It’s time for you to learn more about custom punchouts.

Official announcement with photos can be found here:



Seriously BGDF crew. Custom punchouts and tiles mean ANYTHING YOU WANT CAN BE MADE.

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blog | by Dr. Radut