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Tradewars - Homeworld: Privateer *concept*

I have been thinking/pondering about the expansion scenario I call "Privateer". This scenario is meant to be an *expansion* to the original game in which one player will be the Privateer and the other players will be traders.

Now don't ask me about victory conditions - I'm still in the process of trying to put together the scenario.

Normally when players embark on a mission, the player must WAIT until the mission is completed BEFORE he can get the reward. This makes sense in general terms because it is reasonable that you don't get paid until you complete the mission...

But for the Privateer scenario - I have been thinking in other terms. What I was thinking is that the Privateer player could ATTACK a Trade Starship and instead of destroying it, he get's the reward UP TO THAT POINT and the Trade starship is discarded.

Let's look at a scenario:

Player #1 embarks on a mission of 20 credits and is not so lucky and rolls a 4 for the number of turns. What this means is that on a per turn basis, each turn the Player #1 stands to earn 5 credits (per turn).

Now let's say the Privateer is greedy and waits until the LAST turn to attack Player #1 Trade starship. And for sake of keeping it simple (KISS) all we'll says is that the Privateer succeeds to defeat/conquer Player #1 Trade starship. By doing so, he earns 15 credits... The amount gathered prior to the current turn (so 3 turns x 5 credits per turn).

This could be the mechanic used by the Privateer expansion scenario! It's sort of a Push-Your-Luck mechanic because the Privateer wants to MAXIMIZE the amount of credits he earns and he needs to balance it with making sure he can defeat his opponent's Trade starship (before the opponent collects the ENTIRE reward).

So far this Privateer scenario is proving to be an *interesting* addition to the game... We'll keep you posted as to the further development of this scenario!

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blog | by Dr. Radut