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Voting begins in Killer Gamer’s Remorse Challenge

The Game Crafter needs your votes to narrow the list of 30 challengers in the Killer Gamer’s Remorse Challenge. In addition, we received the following manifesto this morning from The Gamer’s Remorse:

A Message from the Denizens of Gamer’s Remorse

ALL YOUR GAMES ARE BELONG TO US… okay, I’m kidding… sort of. I wanted to thank you all for the hard work you have done designing, crafting, play testing, and re-designing. I have been on that side of the fence before. It’s easy to feel like the Judges are operating in the dark and that you didn’t feel your game got a fair shake. Well, let’s fix that.

Over the next week and beyond, I’d like you all to send us a message via twitter (@gam3rsr3mors3) or our facebook page. We’d love to hear about your game. How did you come up with the idea? What ideas did you have that you had to scrap? Why should we pick your game? Heck, even write us to tell us you like Brian’s Beard. We’d just love to hear from you about your passion project.

Sean Howard
The Grand Vizeer of Gaming, GR South

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