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Working on a Pirate game called Sea-Dogs.

Sea-Dogs Pirate Captain Test
Sea-Dogs Game Board Early

So for a while now I've been working on a Pirate / Merchant game called Sea-Dogs. I have the rules for the base game completed and I'm currently working on the art and iconography for the game.

I was wondering if there are any good examples of non language dependent iconography for complex ideas such as...

"You are only able to store items of a like type here."
"You may not have more than a certain amount stored."
"Remove up to all items stored for bonus movement, per item removed."

I have attached a few images of the game so you can see some of the artwork and how the prototype basically looks. I have updated it a bit since the photo was taken.

If anyone knows of a good repository for board game iconography I would love a link.


I like the look of the game...

I think the game has a *unique* appeal with the whole *sea-dogs* aspect! Very original for an overly used theme (Pirates).

Going for melodramatic humor.

I'm trying to add some tongue in cheek humor to the game with the dog theme. I am trying to target the game for 10+, but it is on the lighter side so the humorous character designs and theme are trying to compliment that.

I'm pushing to make the characters edgy enough to be taken as melodramatically funny, if possible. I want them to be completely serious about their world even though it is absurd to the players. It's very fine line to walk though. I'm glad you like it so far.

I seriously thought about doing a generic pirate theme since I didn't want to alienate more serious gamers with the oddball theme. But frankly I enjoy the game more with the dogs in it and I think other people will to. (Hopefully...)

At this point I'm hoping to do a Kickstarter in the early part of next year. I'm getting a quote from Panda, but I may have to look into other publishing options if I don't have a very successful campaign.

I guess we will see.

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