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belegendgame's blog

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Be Legend - Ragnarok Surt

So much more to do, so little time and money

On kickstarter and doing well

Making another attempt at kickstarter lower funding goal lower pledges more add ons. Doing great for only being on for 2 and half hours. Come check us out

Youtube videos

Deluxe Be Legend - Ragnarok intro video

Be Legend - How to play

Closer look Be Legend - Ragnarok

Sneak peek at King's Court

Be Legend - Ragnarok now on game crafter

Come check out our game one step closer. Received our copies today and been going over them a fine toothed comb. Very happy with the outcome.

Be Legend - Ragnarok

Be Legend - Ragnarok Bottom bx

Be Legend - Ragnarok
June 24, 2015
Mark Laufer
Be Legend grew out of an earlier board game I designed but eventually scrapped. I took all the best ideas from that and, along with the criticisms I had received, evolved it into what you see today. I have a great personal interest in history, mythos, and the need for humanity to make things greater than ourselves.

Added new Blog section to website

In this blog we will be exploring Battle Reports which is a character strategy section. Behind the scene look on the development of Be Legend - Ragnarok. Articles of the components of the game. Manufacturer updates and many more.!blog/cw5

Be Legend - Ragnarok

Be Legend - Ragnarok Cover box

“All life has ceased to exist on Earth. Now, from the dead and broken pages of both history and fiction, it is time to decide Earth’s Greatest Legend. “

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