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Despot9's blog

Trader of Sol

I'm picking up a design again that I set aside a little over a year ago. It wasn't set aside because I was bored with it or didn't see potential or anything like that. It was set aside because I was working on to much and needed to focus my energies on projects that I could get done faster. The game I set it aside in favor of, is now well on its way to release in the hands of a very competent developer. So basically, I need a new game to absorb my focus.

Component Set

I like limitations. They force me to focus my ideas and be selective, which I think results in more elegant design choices.

With that in mind, I am considering "designing" a component set(s) that I would use for several games. Essentially, for me it would act as a cap on certain types of components in my design. The Bits. And therefore allow for maximum focus.

Battle of 4 Armies Released!

Victory Point Games has recently released my game, Battle of 4 Armies. Its a very quick playing strategy game for 2-4 players. An average game takes 10-20 minutes.

First Person Shooter

Off and on I've been working on a board game designed to capture the feel of a First Person Shooter. I decided early on that it needed to feel fast paced and real time even if it wasn't and I didn't want to just have players roll dice to see if they hit because that to me doesn't feel like a FPS.

I make fun...

Hello, my name is Nathan Hansen and I make fun for a living. Iā€™m a Game Designer, Artist and Programmer living in Southern California. I have a passion for board and card games and as such most of my design work is in that area, but I also work as a programmer from time to time on a freelance basis.

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