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Ekobor's blog

Game-A-Week: Storm Clouds

This week on Game a Week we have a simple abstract strategy game called Storm Clouds.

A mix of checkers and Go, in Storm Clouds you play as a storm front attempting to take over a region. Be the last player with any storm tokens on the board to win.
It is meant for two to three players, but could support up to six.

Not my most polished game design, but what I could come up with in the week's time frame.

DesignSpace for Game Designers

So I've been throwing this idea around my head recently, of a MakerSpace for game designers.

Basically the idea is to have a space where game designers can come together and share ideas and work to create better games. To promote the hobby of game design to those questioning it, and to possibly put out group-made games under a license that allows other DesignSpaces to work off them.
Like BGDF, but in real life.

The goal(as of course it needs one) is to Promote Better Games.
It would do this by providing:
-a space with access to building tools and supplies

Game-A-Week: Blacksmiths

Today on my blog I started a new series of posts, called 'Game a Week'. As you can probably guess the idea is to come up with one game idea a week, and plan it out as best I can in that time frame. This includes any and all themes, mechanics, playtesting, etc..

I know this isn't ideal for coming up with anything MAGICAL WONDERFUL GREAT PUBLISH IT NOW, but it is nice to stretch the design muscles.
I'm using to help when I'm stuck.


Just a smattering of game idea for a worker-placement genetic modification game I'm working on:

Players are trying to create a new superfood before the law bans research.
The game is won by putting enough DNA points into a superfood before the time runs out.

There are ten rounds to the game. There are 5 different superfoods you can put points into.
(BannaMeat, Tofruit, MangEat, RizAir, and OkrYum)
Different foods require different amounts of resources.

There is a deck of cards containing actions. It changes in size depending on how many players there are.
In this deck there are

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