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Crazy contest idea

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Joined: 08/03/2008

Hi guys,

I'm a big fan of "Survivor" on CBS, but one of the things that always bugs me, as a game designer, is how lame most of the challenges are. I thought it might be fun to have a contest here to design a "Survivor" challenge. I'm not sure how it would be judged, it could either be by a small panel of judges (probably consisting of me and whoever else was interested), or by popular vote.

I'd like the "prize" to be that the winner will have his suggested challenge submitted to Mark Burnett for consideration and possible use in the series at some point. However, and this is where you guys come in, do you think I should try to contact Mr. Burnett beforehand and see if he's interested in formally endorsing the contest? What should I ask for? Is just "put the winning entry on the show" enough, or should I ask for a small prize as well?

I was initially thinking this would be "just for fun", but if we could get CBS on board, it would be pretty cool to see someone's design actually on the show, and may generate some publicity for the site.

I welcome any comments or suggestions you might have on the subject...



Joined: 04/23/2013

I am not a fan of the show so I really can't comment. Call me pessimistic, but I don't believe the show's producer would be all that receptive to working with us, because I imagine they get weird requests like this from fan(atic)s all the time. Just curious, are you proposing that we send in board game ideas for them as a challenge or just make up challenges ourselves. If not board games, then how does that really relate to this site?


Joined: 12/31/1969
Crazy contest idea

I've watched the show a few times, and a number of the challenges are very game-like, with mechanics or concepts similar to boardgames.

I think if you can get Burnett productions to at least agree to pick a winner (it's asking a fair bit to have them promise to use the winner), it might be a reasonable fit here.

Joined: 04/23/2013
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Joined: 12/31/1969
Crazy contest idea

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