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BGDF referral from Projekt Spiel

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 07/31/2008

On the opening page Darkehorse has posted news about Projekt Spiel (the company that takes Ravensburger’s game idea submissions).

Their website ( mentions BGDF in their FAQ section under “Where can I get further information and tips for games inventors?”

It’s at the bottom of the page at this link:

BGDF referral from Projekt Spiel

Woo hoo! The list of referrals grows!

Has anyone had any experience dealing with Projekt-Spiel? It sounds like a great opportunity. I'm mainly wondering about their prices for submissions from abroad (150 euro verses 65 euro for games submitted from within Germany). Is the huge difference in price because of the cost to ship materials back to the game developer?

Joined: 12/31/1969
BGDF referral from Projekt Spiel

SiskNY wrote:
Is the huge difference in price because of the cost to ship materials back to the game developer?

I suppose so. By the way, don't forget he asks 40% of your cut as well if the game ever does get published.

- René Wiersma

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