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Just wanted to introduce myself. Im a new member on the board. I have been searching the net for quite awhile now to gather as much info on the business as possible. This seems to be the most extensive forum for inventors, so Ill hang around with you ;)

While wandering the net you can get very discouraged when reading about business stories and success rates. Still, coming from the movie industry myself, I gather that walking into hasboe isnt something you just do. Same like you dont just hand in your movie script and it gets made :P

What stuck me the most is the fact that I couldnt find any company that has taken on the task to promote games for independent inventors. Im not talking producing the game itself and allthough it might cost a big deal to produce your game, it still the promotion of getting the game to your audience that is the greatest task IMHO.

I couldnt find anyone that has taken on the task as getting business deals with retailers. Having all the contacts and the distribution network. Sure they might not take on all games and they might not pay up front, but can it really be true that this sort of company doesnt exist ?

I could only find as being the only "agent" that takes a bunch of games to conventions to promote them. Its a great idea because you can afford this as an independent inventor. Is discovery games really the only company around to assist inventors?

I was also surpriced to learn that there is very few manufactorers of board games. Everyone seems to talk about individual manufactorers for different parts.

Anways im gonna read through the forums some more and then I might get richer in knownledge. Until then....

Copenhagen, Denmark

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Cheers all

Welcome to the site Koichiro!

Sure, now you can hang around with us, after searching the entire internet you finally realize how cool we are here at BGDF ;)

As for your comments about promoting and getting your game into the hands of your audience, I agree. The hardest part for any game designer is getting *your game* out into the consumers hands! Well for that matter just getting the game in front of your consumers faces, so they can see that it exists, is difficult. The marketing and advertising needed to *make* a game successful is just as difficult, if not more difficult, than designing a *good* game. Sadly in this day and age, you can promote, advertise, hype even the worst game and get consumers to buy it, if the marketing is done *right*.

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