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Joined: 12/31/1969

Is anyone else here into geocaching? Got a account?

Xaqery's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Re: Geocaching

Esper_Ranger wrote:
Is anyone else here into geocaching? Got a account?

I have geocached. I was very in to it for a few months. I even created a few of my own caches and multi-caches. Like this one: Quest

This multicach has 13 parts but you only need to find about 5 to finish it. It is actually a cheesy "Choose your own path adventure" Where the first cache gives a brief continuation of the story and tells you to choose what direction you want to go and then gives two co-ordinate to follow. The next one which ever you choose did the same and so on until you reach one of 3 endings to the little story.

I was very geeky. (am very)

But I haven’t been caching in over a year now. Regretfully.

- Dwight

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