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Wheat & Tare

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I am working on a game set in a fantasy setting. The game is called Wheat and Tare. Players are servants of the King, and gameplay revolves around planting "wheat". The trick is that the king

Wheat & Tare

Hmm..Well, part of the competition is how well you sell the judges on your interpretation of the theme. But if you feel it is a stretch you might not want to risk disqualification.

Good Luck!

Ed Evans, Partner Alien Menace[ This message was edited by: Alien_Menace on 12-03-2003 13:28 ]

Joined: 04/23/2013
Wheat & Tare

Well, a maximum of 10 points are awarded for the Theme category. If you judges are willing, you could deduct from that category if the game doesn

Wheat & Tare

Thanks, that makes sense. I had planned to inject this theme fairly subtly into the game, as I often feel that an overstatement of the theme of a game is unnecessary. The wheat and tare story is actually a biblical parable of facets of *the* apocalypse. That is to say, *our* apocalypse, the apocalypse of our civilization. Perhaps a good course of action would be to include a small one-page appendix in the rule book.

The Sodom and Gomorrah idea is great. That

Joined: 04/23/2013
Wheat & Tare

The Sodom and Gomorrah idea is great. That

Wheat & Tare


Sounds like a plan. We

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