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Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

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Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

This Challenge has been completed.

Game Design Showdown
December 2005 Challenge - "The Family That Preys Together ..."

Genre: Large Group / Party / Family Game
Theme: Hunting / Chase & Capture

Design Limitations:

  • Large Group - The design must have an upper limit of at least 8 for "number of players". The upper limit may be greater than 8, and the lower limit may be anything.
  • Non-Gamer Appeal - The game should be something light-at-heart that may appeal to a wider audience than just "hardcore gamer geeks".
  • No Player Elimination - All players must be included in the game from start to finish. No players can be eliminated in the middle of the game.
  • Expansion Possibilities - The game should be designed for furture expansion -- either sequels or add-ons. Part of the entry text should describe how the game could incorporate those expansions.
Start Date: 8-December-2005
End Date: 15-December-2005, Noon EST (approximately)
Voting: 15-December-2005 through 22-December-2005

This Challenge has been completed.

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Please read the Showdown Overview Thread, which lays out all of the background rules concerning this challenge ...

Questions, comments, and "clarifications" for this specific Challenge were handled on the following thread ...



Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #1 - Donner, Party of 8!
by Hamumu

Players: 4-10
Time: 20-30 minutes

One frosty Christmas Eve, Santa’s sleigh crashed in the Rockies while on a routine gift delivery. Santa was flung off a cliff and killed on impact, but four to ten of the reindeer survived. Surely Mrs. Claus will come looking for you eventually? Well, not anytime soon. And Donner’s looking hungry. Which reindeer will sacrifice himself to the cause and go to reindeer heaven?

10 decks (different colors), consisting of:

    4 Hooves (1 pt)
    4 Legs (2 pts)
    1 Head (3 pts)
    1 Torso (5 pts)
    1 Frostbite
    1 Carrot
    1 Rabbit
    1 Mutation
100 plastic Haloes

Each player is given a deck of cards. They hold the ten Body Part Cards in their hand, and lay the four Special Cards face up in front of them. The hungriest player goes first.

The player who is up may either use one of their Special Cards (Frostbite, Carrot, Rabbit, or Mutation), or Get Fed. Play then proceeds clockwise. As soon as one person is out of Body Part Cards, the game is over, everybody else freezes to death, and the player with the most Haloes goes to heaven, winning the game (The other players go somewhere else entirely).

Getting Fed
To feed you, each player other than you simultaneously lays down a set of cards. They must play at least 1 and can’t play more than 3.

Whoever plays the hand worth the most points wins. They discard the played cards and collect a Halo. All other players take their cards back into their hand.

If there is a tie, anyone who didn’t tie takes their bid back. Anyone remaining who put in more than the fewest cards also takes their bid back (e.g. A player put in 3 points from 2 cards, and another player put in a single 3 point card – the player who put in 2 cards is out). If there is a still a tie, the tied players each discard one of the cards they bid (their choice) and gain a Halo.

You do not receive a Halo if winning the bid causes you to discard your last Body Part, ending the game (because ending the game is evil!).

If your bid includes your Head card, but it doesn’t win, you collect a Halo for being so generous. You do not receive 2 Haloes when you bid your Head and win, though.

Special Cards
Instead of Getting Fed, you may play one of these cards. Each can only be used once, turn it face down once used.

    Frostbite – Choose any one player (including yourself), grab a card from their hand at random and discard it.
    Carrot – You eat a carrot instead of reindeer parts. Double your current number of Haloes.
    Rabbit – No, not to eat. Send it after any player who still has a Carrot. It eats their Carrot, turning it face down. You must have at least one Halo to use this. Discard one Halo for doing an evil thing.
    Mutation – Shuffle the pile of discarded Body Parts (of all players) and draw one at random to add to your hand.


Why settle for one cannibal disaster scenario? Get the Rugby Rumblings add-on to switch the scene to high up in the Andes, where your rugby team has crashed and must find food… somehow. Includes 6 more Body Part decks to allow up to 16 players at once (slightly different body part arrangement, since the characters are humans), and 3 exciting new Special Cards (play with all 7, or a mix).

Not enough? Grillers In Our Midst includes the ultra-fast “lightning” ruleset in addition to 6 more Body Part decks, so with both expansions, you could have a huge cannibal party with 22 people! And up to 3 of those people might just secretly be Grillers – cannibals whose goal is to chomp body parts, not get into heaven (way too late for that)! Can you unmask them before it’s too late?

There’s also a separate version using the “Cannibal!: The Musical” license, based on Grillers In Our Midst – one player is secretly Alferd Packer, the only American ever convicted of cannibalism. Everyone else wants Haloes. He wants meat. And they all sing and dance.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #2 - JAGSPILL
by Hambone

Number of Players: This game is for as many people as fit closely around a table with a little space between them. Minimum of 6.
Ages: 10 or older
Time: 20-30 minutes

Everyone gets three cards. One says "BLACK", one "WHITE", and the third says "MINORITY". There are two foam balls about 4" in diameter (similar to a Nerf ball), one is black and the other white.

Each person secretly selects one card to stick in the middle in front of them as their "bet" of which ball will be captured first. The cards remain face down until after a ball is caught.

Each person sits at the table with their hands on the table, their left arm underneath the right arm of the person to their left, so that their left hand is between the hands of the person to their left. As everone does this, each person is sitting with their left neighbor's right hand, and their right neighbor's left hand on the table between their own hands. The player "zone" consists of their two hands, and the two hands between them.

The two balls are positioned at opposite sides of the table in players' hands. The youngest player gives a count down and the balls begin to be passed from hand to hand in a clockwise order.

The balls both move clockwise around the table, with the goal of catching up with the other ball. If at any time a ball is out of control or out of reach of any hand, the game is immediately stopped. The last player to handle the ball loses 2 points. The balls are positioned back to where they were last in control, a countdown starts and gameplay resumes. A ball is considered caught when the ball chasing it enters the same player zone. As soon as any player notices a caught ball, they yell "JAGSPILL". Once a ball is successfully caught, it is time to reveal the "bets".

Each player that put a card in the middle with the color of the caught ball gets 5 points.
The "MINORITY" card refers to the color of the ball with the least bets. In the case of a tie, a minority card cannot win. If that color is the ball that is caught, the player with that card placed as their bet gets 10 points.
Every player that selects the wrong color, transfers 2 points to the first person on their right with a winning bet.
If only one person selects a color that wins (excluding minority cards), they get an additional 10 points.

After points are tallied, players place new bets and balls are repositioned for a new round. A countdown begins and play starts again. The game is over if a player gets 25 points.

Aside from the obvious collectability of all sorts of passing objects (imagine a stuffed cat and dog), this game can easily have variables for smaller children, alcohol drinking, or money gambling.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #3 - Who Kicked Rudolph?
by Challengers

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all?
Did you know that Rudolph’s nose wasn’t always red? Apparently, there was a big fight over some elderberry trees. Reindeer love elderberries. While Blitzen and his friends were making elderberry jam and elderberry tea, Rudolph had sneaked off into the woods to whip up some elderberry wine. When the other reindeer found out, they became angry and told Rudolph that he couldn’t play with them anymore. Rudolph expleted a deletive, offending Vixen’s delicate ears. One of the reindeer kicked Rudolph so hard that his nose began to bleed. Rudolph starting screaming like a punk and, when Santa came running out to see what was wrong, all of the other reindeer said that Rudolph was drunk and had fallen down. But Santa could see that they were lying and he was determined to find out who kicked Rudolph!

This is a simple and silly game. Six or more people can play. All you need are these sixteen custom cards:

To play, just remember that you are an elf, a reindeer or Santa. An elf is any player who has no cards. Gather around in a loose circle, with or without a table. One player starts handing out cards until all sixteen have been distributed. It does not matter how many cards any one player has, including zero. After all the cards have been dealt, whoever holds Santa is the moderator for this round: he or she gets to say,"Left!" or "Right!". Whoever holds Rudolph has a special job: he or she gets to yell, "Who Kicked Rudolph!" at some point. Both players should keep only their special card. Therefore, they should pass any extra cards around to the other players, making sure to give them first to anybody without a card. If one player holds both Santa and Rudolph, he or she must decide which one to give up to another player.
Now, it's time to start! Santa and Rudolph move out of the circle and do not pass cards during this round. Santa tells the players in which direction they should pass one (and only one) card. Santa should not speak again until a change of direction is desired. Players immediately switch direction when Santa speaks – even if they were about to pass a card in the opposite direction. This madness continues until Rudolph shouts, "Who Kicked Rudolph!" Players must stop trying to pass cards.
The second phase begins immediately: all elves must reach out and tag another player. (If it happens that everybody has a card, then Santa tags a player). Each person that gets tagged becomes an elf and will tag another player. Each elf tags, at most, one player per round.
When a player is tagged, he or she reveals all cards held. If one of the cards is the bandaged hoof then the round is over. As "punishment", the player must sing one verse from the "Twelve Days of Christmas". Everyone joins in on the chorus. The cards are gathered, shuffled and dealt for another round. On each succeeding round, the corresponding verse from the song must be sung.
Play until dessert is served. The point is to have fun.
Expansion possibilities:
Elderberry Jam Pack – eight additional cards consist of two elves and six elderberry cards. In this version, there is less chance of somebody having zero cards. Therefore, the second phase starts with whoever holds one or both elf cards. When the bandaged hoof is revealed, whoever is holding an elderberry jam card gets to eat a sweet from the dessert tray before the next round. Exception: the bandaged hoof negates an elderberry jam card.

True Love Pack – this 12-pack includes one of each of the gifts from "The Twelve days of Christmas". This version can be played with or without the Elderberry Jam Pack. If the Elderberry Jam Pack is not used, then Santa must always pick an elf. When playing this version, the basic game is played the same way. When it comes time to sing, however, instead of everybody joining in the chorus, only the person holding the gift sings that part. Exception: everybody sings out the final line of the chorus: … and a partridge in a pear treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #4 - Alibi
by Kreitler

“I suppose you’re wondering why I’ve gathered you all here.”

If you’ve ever wanted to say those words, Alibi might be the game for you.

Alibi is a light party mystery game for 5-10 players ages 13 and up. Players take turns acting as Detective, trying to find holes in the other players’ alibis before time runs out. Detectives earn points as they catch suspects’ lies and earn a big reward if they arrest a Prime Suspect.

The premise is simple: if you’re a Suspect, you’re dealt a hand of 4 cards at the start of the round. Each card shows an occupation (who), location (where), or object (what) keyword. All keywords relate to a central theme (“The Orient Express” in the basic game). These keywords will serve as the basis for your alibi.

After memorizing the keywords, you pass all your cards, face down, to other Suspects. Start with the player on your right and proceed counter-clockwise, passing 1 card at a time.

The Detective will then start asking questions to each Suspect in turn. The Detective can ask any question with a “who”, “what”, or “why” answer. You must answer with a single sentence. If another player can corroborate your story, you must identify him. If he can produce a card that matches a keyword in your answer, you’re off the hook. If he can’t, more suspicion is cast on you – and a little bit on him.

Example: you are dealt the following cards:
American Banker (who)
Turkey (what)
Wine (what)
Sleeper Car (where)

You pass your cards out to Dave (Banker), Jeff (Turkey), Julia (Wine), and Dori (Sleeper Car).

The Detective asks you, “Where were you when the murder took place?”
You reply “In the Sleeper Car with Dori.”

The Detective turns to Dori and says, “Is this true?”

Dori plays “Sleeping Car” face-up in front of you and answers, “Yes.” You have an alibi.

You are allowed to embellish your answer with extra keywords as long as it remains 1 sentence long. If you use a word that’s already on the table, it can’t serve to verify your alibi. You are allowed to use words that weren’t in your original hand.

Example: instead of saying “In the Sleeper Car with Dori,” you could have said, “In the Sleeper Car playing chess with Dori.” She could then play either Sleeping Car or Chess Board to back up your story.

Because all cards relate to a central theme, you’ll have some idea what keywords will fit the setting. However, it means that other players might use your words by accident.

Example: The Detective asks Dave, “Is it true you carved the turkey dinner that evening?” Dave, sensing a trap, replies “No. Julia and I spent skipped dinner and had wine and cheese in the observation car.” Julia plays the “Wine” card that you passed her at the start of the round. That card can no longer help you build an alibi.

The game comes with 50 red “suspicion chips” chips. You collect these as holes appear in your alibi. When you answer the Detective’s questions, you can choose to omit a corroborating player’s name. Since your alibi can’t be checked, you must draw 1 chip. If you name another player but he can’t support your alibi by playing a card, you draw 2 chips and he draws 1.

The Detective wants players to draw as many chips as possible. The round ends after 10 minutes of play or when someone collects 5 or more chips (thus becoming the “Prime Suspect”). When the round ends, the Detective gets 1 point per player holding any chips and 5 points if he identified a Prime Suspect.

To help him find a Prime Suspect, the Detective gets to secretly write down 1 Who, 1 What, and 1 Where answer on a pad of paper at the start of the round. These define the crime. If a player uses one of these keywords in his alibi, the Detective reveals the word to all players (hopefully with a dramatic accusation) and gives 2 chips to the current Suspect if no one supported his story and 3 chips if someone does support it (i.e., your alibi turns witness).

Example: At the start of the round, the Detective writes down “Conductor,” “Paris”, and “Neck tie”.
During questioning, he asks Dori, “Were you with the steward when the murder occurred?” She replies, “No, I was with the Conductor – Dave saw us.” Dave obligingly plays his card, at which point the Detective rubs his chin and says thoughtfully, “How interesting – because later that evening the Conductor turned up dead!” Dori collects 3 chips.

Expansion packs introduce decks with new themes:
Country Club Killers
Big Top Butchery
Murder at the Mall

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #5 - Virus
by Sebastian

Each set consists of sixteen blindfolds of a particular colour, eight pawns, and eight identity tags corresponding to the eight pawns. There are five sets availiable; each set contains blindfolds of different colours and pawns which can be differentiated from those from other sets.

Between 6 and 40 players can play. With more than eight, you need two sets. With more than 16 you need three sets. With more than 24 you need four sets and with more than 32 you need five sets. [For the game to work properly, you need at least two sets in play - however commercial reasons mean that the game claims to be able to suit 6].

Each player gets given a pawn and the corresponding identity tag. All players place their pawns on the table. For each set that is in play, one player receives a blindfold and must put it on. The game starts.

Simultaniously, each player with a blindfold must grab a pawn from the table. The player who has been grabbed must put on a blindfold matching the player who grabbed them. If they are already wearing a blindfold, they wear both blindfolds.

If they grab their own pawn, they can remove all their blindfolds - if this means that noone is wearing a blindfold of the colour that they just removed, then they may give anyone without a blindfold a blindfold of that colour.

Between rounds of playing, non-blindfolded players may move their pawns around the table to make it harder for them to be caught.

The game ends either:

(a) when all players are blindfolded
(b) when all blindfolds of one colour have been used.

The players with the fewest blindfolds are the winners. In addition, there are prizes for the players who started with the blindfolds - the player which has spread the most blindfolds wins.

Future expansion consist of bringing out ever more boxes with different coloured blindfolds. Theme sets can be introduced, with licenced characters introduced as pawns. You could have the deluxe version with gold characters and name tags and velvet blindfolds, and the chestlike box to store all the pieces in. There will be more versions of this game than monopoly...

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #6 - More....BRAINS!
(Ghastly Graveyard, Deluxe Starter Set w/ Grabby Hands)
by doho123

Using the 25 tiles provided, randomly build the Graveyard Map in a 5 by 5 square. Each tile has a Safety number on it (Safety number range from 15-40). Players are divided into either Zombies or PreZombies (Humans) through any known random means. Roughly 25% of the players should start as Zombies. PreZombies get character markers placed on the upper-left tile. Any PreZombie that makes it to the lower-right exits the Graveyard and wins. (For tougher PreZombie challenges, the Zombie ratio can be increased, or the Graveyard shape can be altered; for an easier challenge, the game can be started with less Zombies). Each Zombie gets a Grabby Hand.

PreZombies get dealt 8 Escape cards (Cards show numbers from -3 to 10) to start. Game begins!

PREZOMBIES MOVE: PreZombies move the markers one space vertically or horizontally on the Graveyard Map. PreZombies may discuss where they wish to move before moving. PreZombies that are on the same tile may freely exchange Escape cards.

After moving markers, PreZombies play any amount of face-down Escape cards from their hands in front of them. The sum total of the cards will be compared to the Safety value of the tile during the Reveal phase.

ZOMBIES GRAB!: All PreZombie players close their eyes. All Zombies "countdown" by chanting these words "Hungry...need...more...brains...NOW!" On the word "now!" all Zombies select a PreZombie by grabbing at them with their Grabby Hand. Selections by the Zombies should NOT be discussed beforehand. PreZombies can open their eyes now. When not using the Deluxe set, Zombies merely point instead of grabbing.

PREZOMBIES REVEAL: PreZombies flip over and reveal the total value of their Escape cards. Any PreZombie who exactly matches the Safety number on his tile with his value of Escape cards is safe from all Zombie grabs. Otherwise, a PreZombie is turned into a Zombie based on having the least amount of Escape points amongst the other PreZombies on his current tile. EXAMPLE: A PreZombie is turned into a Zombie if one Zombie grabs at him, and he has the lowest Escape total amongst the PreZombies on his tile. If 2 Zombies grab, then he is turned into a Zombie if he has the lowest, or 2nd lowest Escape point total; if 3 Zombies grab at him, then he is turned if he is third to last, second to last or last, etc...

If more Zombies grab at him than there are PreZombies on his tile, then the only way he is safe is if his Escape point total equals the Safety number of the tile.

A just-turned Zombie discards all of his cards and takes a Grabby Hand.

PreZombies that are not grabbed at are automatically safe.

Any PreZombies who survives AND matches the Safety number draws two new Escape cards automatically. Some tiles will offer bonus cards just for surviving on the card. Other will give bonus cards for PreZombies with the highest Escape total.

A new round starts. Game ends when all PreZombies have exited the board or when all players have become Zombies.

Hint: In general, PreZombies should keep together as only the "slowest" PreZombies will be typically lost. However, PreZombies are free to go off on their own in the hopes of collecting more cards, or for better matching Safety numbers. Other strategies include: trying to get Zombies to grab at you when you have matched the Safety number, and bluffing Zombies away from you when you have played ridiculously low-valued Escape cards. Conversely, Zombies should try and get a read on "tells" a PreZombie may have when playing low Escape cards, or when matching a Safety number.

Various new locations for maps/tiles: Montgomery Bringembeck Hospital, Restless Lincoln High School, Tombstone Central Mall, AirStrike 3 Military Base, etc.

New Advanced Escape card sets which can include weapons (ex: Baseball Bat, no escape points but reduces the amount of Zombies grabbing at you by 1) and ancient voodoo spells (ex: Elixer of Life: Select one Zombie grabbing you to return to PreZombie status. His marker starts on your current tile) to fight the Zombies.

For the real adventurous, Grabby Hand Dipping Slime! Zombies get to dip their Grabby Hand into a bowl of officially-sanctioned More...Brains! water-soluable slime before grabbing for their helpless victims.

And of course, more Grabby Hands!!

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #7 - Predators of Yellowstone
by Epigone

Play as a grizzly bear, cougar or wolf. Hunt the most large game to win!

Number of players: 5-11

Players divide into three teams as follows:

This team has only 1 player. The grizzly bear is large and very much in charge. When hunting with others, only the grizzly scores Victory Points.
-Move 1, Draw 3, Play 3, Roll d8.

-This team may have 1 or 2 players. Two cougars, one male and one female, are distributed among the players. They will win or lose as a team, but cougars take separate turns. Their turns must be taken consecutively but they can choose in which order to play.
-Move 2, Draw 2, Play 2, Roll d6.

-This team must have at least 3 players, and may have up to 8. Each player controls one wolf, and all wolf turns happen simultaneously. Wolves win or lose individually, not as a team.
-Move 1, Draw 1, Play 1, Roll d6.
-All wolves draw a card and display it face up on the table. These face up card(s) may be traded to other wolves for their face up card(s). Wolves need not end up gaining exactly one card. Once trading is complete, cards are again kept hidden in hand.
-A Top Dog is as good as any other wolf acting with or against him, e.g., if a wolf he is hunting with adds 1 to all rolls, so does the Top Dog.

Death of a player
A player death results in immediately removing his token from the gameboard. That player does not draw, receive, or play any cards until after his next turn. During his next turn, his only action is to place his token in any interior region.


Areas are set off by roads and each area has an interior. The two regions with a lake separating them are not adjacent.

Game Play
Setup: Shuffle Natural Park cards. Players each place their token in any interior region. Place 1 deer in each of the 14 regions. Place 2 moose, one in each of the central interior regions.

Turn order: Grizzly, then cougars, then wolves.

Game turn: a) Draw cards. b) Play cards. Cards are resolved immediately except if Time of Need or Inner Beast is played in response. At any time except during a card resolution players may move.

Game end: The game ends immediately if all of the deer are gone or if the last Victory Point (there are 150) is taken. The player with the most Victory Points wins! Ties are allowed.

-3+ wolves win all ties, the grizzly wins ties against cougars or less than 3 wolves, and cougars win ties against less than 3 wolves.
-Communal wolf Victory Point chips count toward all wolves, not just those involved or even alive when the chip is gained.

One expansion is planned. This expansion will introduce two Golden Eagles, a male and a female. The eagles will always be played by one player and must always be in the same region or adjacent. Eagles can only be killed by poachers. Any other time an eagle would usually be killed, it instead takes a wound (-1 to die rolls until the end of next turn). Eagles roll a six-sided die, play in the same turn, draw 3 cards but may only play up to 2, and can move collectively 5 regions. An eagle may take a wound to play a 3rd card. During consolidate, pick a region adjacent to or containing an eagle, then move both eagles and any deer in the eagles' regions to the new region. Swimming is worth a free VP. Three card types will also be added, several Fishing cards which give a chance to gain 2 VPs when next to water without a chance of dying, one Winter card which reshuffles all cards and resets deer to their starting locations, and several Campers cards which if played just after Free Lunch give +2 VPs.

-Cards should usually say 'deer' instead of 'prey'.
-Move Prey should include that you may place a deer/moose in any region for 2 move.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #8 - Duke of the Hill
by Xaqery

A party game for 8 to 30 players.

This game is played for the duration of the party as an overlay to the party. Ideally everyone at the party is playing the game at all times. People can do any other normal party activities while playing this game.

Each player receives one card that identifies who they are and how far up the hill they are from 0 to 6. Jesters are at the bottom at 0. The Duke is at the top at 6. Players will mostly keep this identity a secret. There can be several of each type of card in play except there is only one Duke. He is on top of the Hill and everyone should pay him GREAT RESPECT during his reign.

The player that has the DUKE card is not a secret. In fact this player may strut if he or she desires. The Duke only has to wait to defend the top of The HILL from challengers.

Next, each player gets a catch-phrase card also kept secret and handy. These cards are simple one or two-word phrases that are commonly said in a party setting. The game also comes with a number of blank cards. The host can use these to create more appropriate phrases if needed. Future expansions can have more phrases.

During the course of the evening if you hear someone (other than the DUKE) say your phrase you can then show them your catch-phrase card and you get to take an Action. Afterward you have to get a new catch-phrase card from the box.

Also, there are multiple copies of The HILL mini-game within the party area. Anytime a player wants they can challenge another player to a game of The HILL. If the challenge is accepted then they find an open game and play. The winner of the challenge gets to do an Action. If the game ends in a tie then nothing happens.

When someone says your catch-phrase you can do one of two actions:
1. See their identity-card: They have to show you their identity card. If their number is one more than yours you can capture their card and move up the hill. Your old card is returned to the bottom of the deck and they have to take a new card from the top of the deck.

2. Blind Capture: Without looking you capture their card and they capture your card. Maybe you will climb the and maybe you will fall!

Any player that captures an Earl (5): either from an action or from a challenge gets to challenge the current Duke to a game of The HILL! The will be the starting player and the winner of the game is the new Duke. The old duke wins all ties.

    The HILL mini-game for two players: Parts: 29 1” cubes – 3 yellow, 6 red, and 20 black.

On a flat surface the starting player selects one cube and places the cube by itself.

Players in turn choose one cube and place it squarely next to or on top of any other cube with following rules: The first level of the being built can not be larger than 4x4 cubes. The next level has to be a 3x3 set but can be anywhere on top of the first level. The last level is 2x2 and can be anywhere on top of the second level. When you are all done you will have a “Hill” of cubes.

Now players begin removing all the cubes. They remove two cubes per turn, in turn, starting with the starting player. First they remove one block for to score for themselves then one block for no-one that is placed off to the side. You can not remove a cube that is surrounded or has a cube on top of it. In the end each The starting player will have 8 cubes, the challenger will have 7 cubes, and there will be 14 cubes in the middle not scored.

Red cubes are worth 1 point each, yellow are worth 3 points each, and black cubes are 0 points. The winner is the player with the highest score.

Expansions: You can expand this game by introducing new and different Mini-Games.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #9 - Hot Pursuit
by Gamebot

For 8 Players


A gang of car thieves has just stolen several cars throughout the city. It is up to you and your fellow officers to restrict their escape and to bring them to justice.


· 64 Tiles (16 Green, 16 Blue, 16 Gray, 16 Brown)
· 48 Cards (12 Green, 12 Blue, 12 Gray, 12 Brown)
· 4 Car Tokens
· 40 Barricade Tokens

The Object of the Game

The object of the game is to be the first player to get eight points. Points are earned at the end of each round by having a car on a tile matching your goal color.

Playing the Game

The game will take place over several rounds. Each round will consist of several turns. The round will continue until the end of a turn in which all cards have been played. Randomly determine which player will go first.

Setting up the Round

1. Shuffle all of the tiles and arrange them in an 8 by 8 grid.
2. Put a car on each of the four special starting tiles facing the indicated direction.
3. Remove two cards of each color from the deck. Shuffle those cards and deal one to each player. This card represents that player’s goal. This card can be looked at but is to remain hidden and separate from the other cards.
4. Shuffle the remaining cards and deal five cards to each player.

The Game Turn

Players will take turns moving the cars. Each turn consists of the following actions:

· Each player selects a card from his or her hand.
· Each player reveals their card and places a barricade.
· The majority color is determined among the played cards.
· The current player chooses and moves two cars until they reach a tile of the majority color.

Selecting a Card

Each player will select a card from their hand and place it face down in front of them.

Placing Barricades

Starting with the current player, each player will reveal their card and place a barricade. The barricade piece must be placed along the border between two tiles. At least one of the two tiles must match the color of the card played.

Majority Color

After each player has placed a barricade, determine which color was used the most this turn. That color will determine the movement of the car. In the case of a tie, the player whose turn it is will select among the tied colors.

Car Movement

The current player must choose two cars that he wants to move. He moves them one at a time.

The car must always be moved in the direction it is facing. It will continue moving until it lands on a space of the majority color.

The car cannot move through obstacles (the barricades, edges of the board, or other cars). When the car hits an obstacle, the current player must rotate it either right or left and continue with its move. This is the only time the car can change directions.

When the car reaches the majority color, it must stop. If a loop happens and the current player cannot make a decision to get out of that loop, the current player may determine where the car stops.

A player can choose to move a car barricaded on all four sides. In that case, the car would, of course, not move. This will allow the player to strategically hold off on moving other cars that are currently on their goal color.


The round ends at the end of a turn in which all cards have been played. At the end of each round, players reveal their goal card. For each car on a tile that matches the color on their goal card, that player scores one point.

Game End

The game ends at the end of a round in which one player has eight points. That player is the winner.

Road Block Expansion

This expansion will contain special tiles that will grant the current player to remove any barricade on the board when a car moves over it. It will also contain a police car that can be moved just like the other cars. When a police car hits another car, that car can’t be chosen to move for a turn.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #10 - You are in my team now
by Johan

This is a drawing/acting/singing/synonym family/party game. Each player is represented by 3 cards. The cards are spread among the other players. The players will challenge each others to get be able to trade cards in a way that they want.
If a player manages to get all cards that represent another player, he/she have that player to his/hers team.

Number of players: 4-16 (infinitive but that will make a long game)
Game time: 30-90 minutes
Type of game: family game.

- 48 Blank cards
- 16 Player challenge markers
- 16 Team order markers
- A number of Duel decks (any number of cards per deck)
- Sand timer
- 2 duel dice (1 category and 1 duel type).
- 96 I’m-the-winner markers
- 1 Last-turn-biggest-loser marker.

1. Place the challenge decks, the sand timer and the “I’m the winner” markers in the middle of the board.
2. Each player receives 3 blank cards and 2 player markers. The player put the 3 cards together and draw a full size self portrait over the 3 cards. They also draw a quick self portrait (only the head) and write there name on both of the player markers.
3. The player left to the player that was ready last will receive the Last-turn-biggest-loser marker.
4. Take the cards, shuffle them and deal 3 cards to each player.

The turn
The turn has the following sequence:
- Select cards
- Declare challenges
- Duels
- Cash in winner markers
- Collect players

Select cards
At the same time, all players selects one card from there hand and place front up in front of them. If a player has one or several of there own set cards on there hand, all of those cards has to be placed front of him/her.

Starting with the player that has Last-turn-biggest-loser marker, he/she place his challenge marker on another player. The next player does the same thing until all players have made there challenges.
The only restriction is that a player can not place there challenges on them self or on a member in there team.

Starting with the player that has Last-turn-biggest-loser marker, the players will do the duels vs. the players they challenged. When that duel is completed, the next player in order does his/hers duel. A duel will be cancelled if the challenged player doesn't have a card in front of him/her.
The challenged player selects any Duel deck on the table. Then roll the two dice. Both players will make the duel according to the dice.
The winning player takes both cards (the one in front of the players) to the hand. Then he/she select any card on the hand and place it in front of the looser.
The looser takes the Last-turn-biggest-loser marker.

Duel cards and duel dice
The category duel dice just show what number on the duel card that shall be used (1-6).
The duel type dice has the following: Drawing, Acting, Singing, Synonym, 2x Quiz.
In case of a Drawing, Acting, Singing, Synonym result, both duelists get a card and will try to present the answer on the card for the other players. The player that first guess right get an I’m-the-winner marker.
In case of a Quiz the quiz on the card is read to the dualists.

Cash in winner markers
With start with the player left to the player with the Last-turn-biggest-loser marker, the players can trade cards with the cards on the table.
With three I’m-the-winner markers, the player can trade them to trade one card from a player that did not have any cards on the table. Observe that you have to return a card.

Collect players
With start with the player left to the player with the Last-turn-biggest-loser marker, the players, a player with a full set of cards of another player can cache in that player. That player will now belong to that player and everything he/she does for the team. The player is placed after the player. The player hands over his/hers cards to the team leader and the turn passes to the next player that can do the same.
Example: Adam, John, Maria, Lisa, Santa and David are playing. Maria collects Adam. Maria takes Adams team order marker and place it after hers marker. John collects Davis and does the same.
Lisa collects John and takes both John and David's marker in order after hers. Maria collects Santa and in the final turn she also collect Lisa. The final order where Maria-Adam-Santa-Lisa-John-David. Maria is the winner and David is in the last place.

Upgrades and adds on
New sets of Duel cards with new variants can be added. New duel dice with duel types can be included.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Entry #11 - ZOO GANG
by Kefa

A party game for eight players
Age: 8 and up

At the Goa Boa Zoo a spiteful gang of animals started to steal objects from the house of Mr. Nay. The Zoo Director is furious and decided to spy and catch them ‘redpawded’. Mr. Key, the Guardian, the only who wants to defend the animals, has a better solution. There will be an inquiring and the animals that will confess the most odd and funny motivation won’t be punished but feed, indeed. For the cruel and mean Director is not enough; even Mr. Kay will be questioned and if he will found out his lies, the Guardian will be dismissed and the animal thieves will be captured.

Game material

46 Object cards
8 Character cards (6 animals, 1 Zoo Director, 1 Guardian)
8 Pencils
7 Writing pads
1 3min. Sandglass

Goal of the game

Try to invent a funny story if you are an animal, otherwise find out the weird confession of the poor Guardian if you are the Zoo Director.

The animals and the objects

- The Goa Boa Zoo Gang is composed by: Duncan (The Bear), Ervine (The Penguin), Jerome (The Lion), Phyllis (The Ostrich), Ralph (The Elephant) and Ursula (The Giraffe).

- The objects stolen from the house of Mr. Nay are:

1. Bandana
2. Barbecue
3. Bath-robe
4. Bike
5. Braces
6. Candles
7. Compass
8. Credit card
9. Eye drops
10. Fax machine
11. Fire-extinguisher
12. Fishing-rod
13. Freezer
14. Glue
15. Hammer
16. Hammock
17. Iron
18. Jump rope
19. Ladder
20. Matches
21. Megaphone
22. Microwave
23. Padlocks
24. Paint box
25. Pillow
26. Pliers
27. Plug
28. Racket
29. Rain boots
30. Rubber glover
31. Rug
32. Scarf
33. Scissors
34. Skateboard
35. Sofa
36. Stapler
37. Sunglasses
38. Surf board
39. Swimsuit
40. Swing
41. Tent
42. Umbrella
43. Vacuum cleaner
44. VCR
45. Whistle
46. Windbreaker

The story of the game

The oldest player places the Object Card Deck in the middle of the board and deals a character card, a pad and a pencil to each player. After that players see their card and put it face down exept for the Zoo Director who puts his card face up on the board; then he takes a scoresheet and the sandglass. Now everything is ready for this unusual inquiry.

The inquiry

Mr. Nay draws the top card from the Object Card Deck and says in an angry tone of voice: “Why did you steal my…(followed by the name of the stolen object)?”. Then he turns upside down the sandglass and wait. As the time is expired he listens all the motivations and write who belongs the Guardian’s ones. Afterwards he draws another card from the Object Card Deck and so on for other six rounds. After the last round, players turn their cards and the Zoo Director mark a point on his scoresheet for each time he succeeded.

End of the game

Mr. Nay wins if he gains almost four points. Animals win anyway even if they have committed some pilferings. If all this amusing adventure will make you laugh don’t miss the next summer exploits of the Goa Boa Zoo Gang…Mr. Nay already fears for the tourists.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

by Zomulgustar

a game of Larcenous Skullduggery for a Rather Large Number of Players
(supports 8+)

Welcome to the Thieves' Guild. I am the Guildmaster, and you're not. But that might change soon...I’m getting on in years, and it’s about time I found myself a worthy successor. That aside, we follow the Golden Rule here: He who gives me the most gold makes the rules. No matter how humble your origins, pay your dues and the skills you used to earn them will be recognized. Of course, as you go up in rank, you'll find you spend more of your time watching your own back than your victims’ pursestrings...but that’s what your underlings are for.

City Map: constructed so every region is connected to exactly three others by one path of each color. (different player counts may require different maps.)

N pairs of matching rank tokens (one in hand, one on the board)
N sets of three colored stones (red,green,blue)
Many victim tokens
Even more gold coins

Players agree beforehand to play for a set amount of time or number of rounds. Designate a Guildmaster, who assists in upkeep/transactions with the Guild Coffers, and has final authority in any disputes, but is not otherwise considered a player. The Guildmaster distributes the rank tokens numbered from 1 to N to the N players as they please, one to each player. Distribute an equal amount of starting gold to each player.

Leader: the player with the lowest-numbered rank token in a region.
Pack : the set of all thieves in a region.

When players ‘discuss’, they may make any agreements they like, but are not bound by their word later, supposed ‘honor among thieves’ notwithstanding. The only groups allowed to confer privately are complete packs. All other negotiations must be public. If the Guildmaster allows, communications may be encoded, but must be visible/audible to the other players.

At any time, a Leader may unilaterally end the discussion in their group and move on to the following action immediately. The Guildmaster may also end discussion for ALL groups, though they should use this power in moderation.


Each turn, players discuss(see above), then simultaneously reveal stones to indicate which path they will follow.

Once movement is resolved, new packs are formed, and their leadership is determined. After discussion, every non-Leader in each pack secretly selects a colored stone (red stones mean 'Challenge', other colors mean 'Support'), and simultaneously reveal them.

If no 'Challenge's were revealed, the Leader may choose to swap tokens with another pack member, making them the new Leader. Otherwise, they retain power, and either way play proceeds to the next phase.

If any 'Challenge's were revealed, it's too late for anyone to switch sides. After discussion, all pack members simultaneously reveal the amount of gold they’re willing to invest toward the challenge or defense. Remember that all discussion must be open within the pack. Leave these stones and gold undisturbed for the remainder of the turn.

If the challengers have the larger total, the highest-ranking (lowest-numbered) challenger takes the Leader's token, becoming the new Leader. If the supporters have a equal or larger total, no tokens change hands. Play proceeds to the next phase.

The amount of gold gathered increases with three factors: the number of victim chips in the region, the number of thieves, and their total skill (the number on their token...note higher is now better). Only thieves that were on the current Leader's side in the previous phase are counted as cooperating.

The Leader divides this gold among their pack in any way they choose.

If the challengers won in the previous phase, the new Leader may also freely reallocate the rank tokens among the pack, though they must retain the highest rank (lowest number).

All Victims in thief-occupied regions are removed, and all other regions add one Victim Chip as they let down their guard. Money invested in during challenges is discarded to the Guild Coffers.

Play continues until the agreed-upon endtime, at which point the player with the most gold wins, and has earned the right to be Guildmaster for the next game. If there is a tie for the most gold, the player with the highest rank wins.


1. 'Jackal of All Trades' With the addition of this expansion, each player has a 'day job' which grants him special abilities beyond those of his rank/skill.

2. 'The Unkindest Cut of All' The City Guard finally noticed the Guild...and they suddenly seem to know too much about where and when you’re going to strike. Have your buddies sold you out? And if not, perhaps you should do unto others before they do unto you.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game Design Showdown Dec 2005: "The Family That Preys .

Challenge Results

Based upon the votes I received, we have the following results ...

First Place (39 points -- 7 #1's, 1 #2, 1 #3) -- More....BRAINS! by doho123 (Entry #6)

Second Place (29 points -- 5 #1's, 1 #2, 1 #3) -- Alibi by Kreitler (Entry #4)

Third Place (12 points -- 1 #1, 2 #2's, 1 #3) -- Donner, Party of 8! by Hamumu (Entry #1)

The rest of the scoring went as follows ...

  • Duke of the Hill by Xaqery (Entry #8) -- 10 points (2 #2's, 4 #3's)
  • GOOD FENCES MAKE GOOD NEIGHBORS by Zomulgustar (Entry #12) -- 9 points (3 #2's)
  • Who Kicked Rudolph? by Challengers (Entry #3) -- 4 points (1 #2, 1 #3)
  • Hot Pursuit by Gamebot (Entry #9) -- 4 points (1 #2, 1 #3)
  • JAGSPILL by Hambone (Entry #2) -- 3 points (1 #2)
  • Virus by Sebastian (Entry #5) -- 3 points (1 #2)
  • ZOO GANG by Kefa (Entry #11) -- 2 points (2 #3's)
  • Predators of Yellowstone by Epigone (Entry #7) -- 1 point
  • You are in my team now by Johan (Entry #10) -- 1 point
Feel free to continue the critiquing of the entries here:

Thanks again to everyone -- happy holidays!! The January Challenge (with a slightly new voting procedure) will be posted in a couple of weeks.


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