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Intellectual Property and Game Design

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I have begun designing a word game based on a pen and paper game most popular in the 60's. I've made it different enough to call it my own. The problem that remains is that I do not see a way to market the game or be credited for creating it as it would essentially be public domain. I feel that it would be immoral to add bits for the sake of making the game boxed (one way to protect my design). What do you think about this? I know this post is a bit muddled up, but I am having trouble describing the situation.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Intellectual Property and Game Design

Well if you put it together well enough, you *might* be able to sell it as an inexpensive PDF or somesuch, if basically, there's not a whole lot to it, as I seem to be getting from your post. 'Creating' a game that was popular in the 60's is kind of a confusing way to put it, but yes, the problem with releasing things for free is the possibility someone could indeed steal it, or attempt to, even with the international copyright laws and guidelines that are in place.

The thing is, generally, if you change enough of the wording and don't use the EXACT same phrasing, etc., that you can basically emulate any 'system' or mechanic legally, because you can't copyright a mechanic or process of playing, so just as you can 'create' this game, anyone else could directly look at your game and make their own version, using your mechanic, and as long as it wasn't verbatim, they could legally and validly claim their work as their own, so there's really no way around this - this doesn't mean YOU can't be credited for your OWN version, since it IS yours, after all - there's just no real way to stop someone else from doing the same thing you are - and thats fine, just make sure yours is fun and has its own original flavor or aspects to it that sets it apart from others.

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