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Primary colors

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If designed my own boardgame only it misses some kind of excitement, the problem is I don't really know what is wrong, and I hope that you guys could find that out without changing the whole concept. The bord exist out of squares: 5*5 squares. each player starts with one city one, one leader, one town and two armies. yellow begins to place a city then blue or red. the last player how placed a city now places a town, his leader and his two armies. yellow places his peaces as last. the player how fisrt places his town may begin, all players get two gold in the begining. all right this is just te beginning I hope I haven't exhausted you with my terrible english and clarification.

Here are some rules:

In a square with a city on it may only stand tow armies, leaders, captains and mercenaries don't count.

In a town there may be only three armies again all the rest don't count.

In a fort there may be only three armies, again the rest don't count.

On a open field there may be only four armies.

On each square may only be two mercanarie armies and one leader or captain.

In total there are 18 gold pieces if there is nothing anymore in the collective resource you don't get any gold until someone spend his gold then you get the gold when you have the right to get it.

Each player has 14 armies, two forts, three cities, and 5 towns, one leader and 3 captains.

before you can build a fort or city you must build a town, a town cost one gold and must be build on a square with no ther buildings and no enemy troops there must be an armie on the square to build it.

An fort cost two gold and takes the place of the town in the square. the same rules as above apply.

An city cost 3 gold and takes the place of a town same rules as with to build a fort.

An army costs two gold and must be created in a city or a fort. In a fort may one army be created every turn and in a city two. An army may walk every turn one square but not diagonal.
You may have as many armies as the number of als cities forts and towns*2. so if you have one city two towns and one fort you may have 8 armies, mercanarie armies does not coun't.

An leader costs 4 gold and may be created anywere. an captain cost 1 gold and must be created on a square with an army on it, an captain must always be with an army. An leader may travel as many squares as he want an captain may only travel 3 squares. If there is no army on a square with a town or an enemy army then the town has to be removed.

If an enemy army has captured a square with an enemy fort and there are no other enemy armies then he may buy the fort for 1 gold if he already has tow forts or he doesn't want to buy it the fort must be removed. The same rules as above apply for a city except it costs 2 gold and he hasn't already his maximum of cities.

You may build a first city at any time, if you want to build a second city you must atleast have 4 other squares with buildings. for a third city you must atleast have 6 other buildings.

You get every turn two gold for each city and two gold if you have three or less buildings, 1 gold if you have 4 or 5 buildings.

You win when you have 8 buildings or have defeat all the enemy armies or all the enemy buildings, when you defeat an other player (blue or red) by destroying all his buildings or defeating his army you get 4 gold at that turn. If you defeat the yellow player you get 11 gold at that turn.

Fighting: all armies have equel power, but the you can hae some advantages.

If you army stays on a fort the power of the army doubles, the leader brings no advantages.

If you attack from out a fort to a neighbour square you will have one less damage the leader bring his advantages. so if an army of two with a leader attacks an army of two without a leader the battle is as follow:

3 against 2(leader plus one strenght) 2 damage to the attacking army but because of the leader on les damage and because of the fort on les damage zo all armies stay on the board the defending army losses al his pieces.

If two armies withou a leader attacks the fort with two armies in it with the leader( the leader brings no advantaes in this case), it will be as follow:

2 against 4 two damage will be done to the fort but because ther strenght is two more the lose two less so all the armies stay on the fort the attacking armies lose all there pieces.

If you attack an army from beside you have one advantage and the damaga done to you is half of the power of the enemy force round off to above. So 3 armies with a captain (captain brings no advantages anywere) faces south and north and a attacking army attacks from the west it will be as followed:

2 (one advantages because attacking from beside) against 2 (half: 1.5 round off to above is 2) the attacking army lose all his pices the defending armie lose two pieces.

If the defending army would be under attack from north and south ONE attacking army has the advantages off above. if only one army attacks from north or from south there are no advantages.

The number you have more armies in an fight on one square you must deduct of your loses, so as 4 armies fights against 3 armies it will be like:

4 (losses 2, 3 -1) against 3 (losses 3)

An leader adds one army to and army of 2 or more not more then 4. so for armies have the strengt and advantages of 5 armies if there is a leader with them. A leader may travel as many as he wat but only if it is his turn. a captain brings no advantages but is necessary to cross an open field with armies because as soon as an army has no leader or captain and don't stay on a fort, town or city its lost. a captain may travel only 3 squares a turn.


if you defeat an enemies army you may buy his armies for one gold each of the armie you have defeated, you may not buy more then your victory armies.

So if you win a battle against for armies and you have left one army you may buy only one army for one gold the rest has to be removed from the board. if you defeat 3 armies and you have left 3 then you may only buy two armies because there may be only two mercanaries on eachs square.

mercanaries must always have a captain or leader just like your other armies and can walk 2 two squares unlike your own armies how may only walk one square. no figure may walk diagonal.

the strenght of the mercanaries is half or the size(so two has a strenght of 10 and round of to above if in a fort or attacking from besides and round off to below in other situations. If attackink from beside or from the rear (two attacks opposite of each other, one is from the rear and has the advantages of attacking like attacking from beside) they can't be hit in an counter attack. if they are attacked from the rear or from beside they can't attack back. if the're in a fort there strenght is doubled. they can't attack the same color. if the same color capture the squae with them they are automatically combine(free) with that same color. Mercanaries can be enslaved by an other color.

yellow gets for ech city in each turn 3 gold and every turn with three or less buildings 3 gold and with 4 or 5 buildings 2 gold.

Who has build any building on the center square gets for every turn that his buildings stands there 2 gold.

Primary colors

Sounds like you could use the Game Design Workshop. It;s a give and take situation whereby you read over and comment on others' games, then when your turn comes up, you submit your game and others will read and make comments on yours.

You will find that you will get a bit more feedback (and some great pointers) by going through this route and helping others with their games.

Best of luck to you!

Primary colors

Does that forum still exist because I sended a message twice to jwarrend but he doesn't answers

Joined: 04/23/2013
Primary colors

Aguas wrote:
Does that forum still exist because I sended a message twice to jwarrend but he doesn't answers

Yes it does, but just like almost everyone, he seems to be very busy lately. I'm sure he will reply the next time he logs in.


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