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video games

4 replies [Last post]

Iam currently in the procces of developing a next generaton video game.
With a team of three other talanted game designers.I am the head oganizer of the team, and am in charge of map desighn, walkthrough completion and character development.other members of the team include a basic computer programmer, Wepons desighn artist and a script writer. I edit all the work that has been produced and in the next two years we hope to have it ready and of a high enough quality to. Present to a game production company.
I would be interested in anyone who is involved with aspects of video game desighn. and be delighted to see there views on the matter.

Joined: 04/23/2013
video games

You may find some help here (due to some folks here dabbling with video games in the past), HOWEVER, we mainly deal with board and card games here at the forum. Can someone post some links to other sites that may help this gentleman find a more suitable arena for his needs?


video games

First off, this isn

Joined: 12/31/1969
video games

Aye, I also recommend the sites jjacy has mentioned, and I especially suggest you post this question at ( in order to receive more feedback and (more imporantly) suggestions about where to find information.

video games

Thank you all for your support. And i will check out those websites. But what i said at the start of this thread is not correct. We are not working to make a game our selves. We are working to make everthing that a team of 20+ with a buget of millions would need to start creating our idea. We are all in our early days as well. and still in school.

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