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Looking for card decks with Red and Black jokers

2 replies [Last post]

Does anyone know of a card company that produces card decks that come with a black joker and a red joker instead of two black jokers? I checked with the US Playing Card Company, but apparently they do not.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Looking for card decks with Red and Black jokers

i don't know any specific company but i thought almost all card decks came with two different joker... Because many traditionnal games use this disctinction.

Looking for card decks with Red and Black jokers

Yeah, most of the time there is some distinction between the two jokers, but surprisingly every deck I own (or can find at least) have 2 black jokers.

I could use 2 black jokers, but I would prefer to use a red and a black joker to keep everything simple.


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