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CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

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Joined: 12/31/1969

Now that some core ideas are out, let's spend some time discussing them and pseudo-brainstorming about them.

It would be great if you'd take a moment to at least:

  • Mention something you like about the idea,
  • Mention something that you don't care for or are concerned about regarding the idea, and
  • Put out anything else about the idea you'd like, including any basic implementation ideas.
Please don't go into great detail about how you think such a game would work, trying to refine a bunch of mechanics or anything. Rather please keep it pretty basic. Once we pick one to move forward on then more details would make sense. Note, too, that whatever we go with we can still work on some of the other ideas later, of course.

Here's one of Krosse's thoughts:

Racing- Vehicles with guns race along a randomly laid roadway with debris, walls, turns, etc. Lay out cards in front of players and remove the from behind. The faster the players go, the less cards are layed out in front at a time (reduced reaction time). First to the finish (or last car standing) wins.

Joined: 12/31/1969
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

Cool-sounding mechanics, I like them.

I personally can't stand racing games, though, so I'm not likely to champion it. Guns would make it better, though -- I dig Car Wars.

No other comments really.

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

I like "hidden information" games, and I don't think this has been done in a racing game (well, not a published one - I've done a couple myself!)

But if you didn't know who "owned" each car until one of them won, that might add a whole level of interesting tactics to the game as you try to "knock out" the other cars without giving away your own identity.

Joined: 04/23/2013
My thoughts


If done as a card game, this could be a real viable option for the first project.
I especially like the hidden car idea.
I'd like the idea even more if it had the car wars type theme (guns, raming plate, etc).

Racing games have been done to death, although this game might actually be fun if 'themed' properly.


CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

I've never actually played a racing game before, so I really have no clue what to expect. Which might actually be a good thing.

Pros: I like that the faster you go you get less track ahead of you.

Cons: However, that seems more suited to a solitaire game... otherwise the track is going to be different for every player.

Also, how would you be able to determine where the cars are in relation to one another?

Maybe I'm thinking about this in too literal of terms.

I do like the car combat theme though. Cars with guns is something I find fun. Even though all my experience in the genre lies within video games.

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

There is a two fold problem with racing games.

1.If you go down the Carwars road (sorry) you have to measure up to a really great game. No other car combat game has come close to it.

2.What can we do with a racing game that will be fresh. I have played several car racing games. I know horse, dog and yacht racing has been done. What theme is left? what mechanic can we introduce to bring it to life and add the excitement of a race to the game?

just stirring the pot.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Anyone heard of this?

There was a shareware game I used to have on my Macintosh called 1000 Miles or something like that. It was really a card game where you play cards worth miles, or you play hazards to jack opponents or repair cards to fix hazards. There were "Speed Limit" cards which limited the Miles cards you could play...

It was really fun and I liked it a lot. At one point I drew out the cards on a piece of paper with the distribution so I could make a deck and play it IRL with someone rather than just against the computer, but I never finished.

Anyone ever seen that one before?

- Seth

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Re: Anyone heard of this?

sedjtroll wrote:

Anyone ever seen that one before?

Yes, and I only know it as a card game - I think it's called something different IRL (obviously - otherwise the shareware game would have got into trouble!)

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

That is the french themed parker brothers game "Mille bornes" i have a copy and pulled it out last year for the first time since i was young. It was much more fun to play as a child. The game is to random. When you win you don't feel like you have accomplished anything.

Don't think i am trying to get the randomness discussion going again. I am not! :wink:

Joined: 12/31/1969
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

If it's themed not so much as a race game but as a road rally where players don't know what to expect then it might have a different twist than the racing games I've seen. I like the idea of terrain that "appears" in front of you, things that you need to react to. Like a road rally there could be nights where people don't race but instead work on getting goodies for their cards, maybe through trading or gambling or something.

Maybe that's too much for this first CGD, but I see some really fun possibility there.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

FastLearner wrote:
I like the idea of terrain that "appears" in front of you, things that you need to react to.

I like that to. like on your turn you advance your car to the next terrain space, and deal with whatever's in it. It may be clear, it may be, say, slippery (oil spill) where you need to make a check with modifiers based on Tire upgrades and/or Driving Skill stats and/or other stats. Then you take whatever other actions might be available. Finally you play a terrain card on an opponent, or on each opponent.

At some point (either right after you play the cards, or maybe at the beginning of your turn) you replace the cards in your hand.

Some Terrain cards might say things like "Uphill: Do not advance next turn." Then you maybe turn the card over to indicate you've lost the movement and can move off it normally next turn. Another card could be "Shortcut: Replace the Terrain card in front of you with the top card of the terrain deck" or maybe "Roadblock: Lose your next turn." where again you turn it over on what WOULD be your next turn, to indicate it's been done.

You'd probably HAVE to play a card in front of EACH opponent, to ensure people have road to drive on, then you could OPT to play a card in front of yourself- something like "Pit Stop: Select an Upgrade card and place it in the appropriate slot on your vehicle" where Upgrade cards are like Sticky Tires or High End Suspension" which confer bonuses in certain terrain. Maybe "Supercharger" cancels the penalty of "Uphill"

- Seth

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

I have no idea how you'd tell who was winning though.

Joined: 12/31/1969
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

Progress could be measured by the number of cards you've crosed or special cards that allow you to get points or what have you.

Hmm, what about something resembling It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World where there are a variety of forms of transportation and obstacles are wacky.

I definitely don't want to create another Mille Bornes... as mentioned, it was fun enough as a kid but doesn't offer nearly enough fun as an adult.

Joined: 12/31/1969
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

Also, rather than individual turns this might be fun as simultaneous turns, with everyone playing a new card at once. After a couple of games it could probably speed up to the point where it feels like a real race in action.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

I like the racing theme (with guns!), also the implied simplicity is nice. It would make a good choice as a first game to design but I'm worried about luck/chaos in a card game like that.

CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

Well, I've worked out some math on this that would allow faster players to be ahead and see just about the right number of tiles ahead of them while the slower players see more and are behind a couple of tiles.

One thing I had thought of, was while moving faster does bring you closer to winning, at certain speeds, say 60, 80, 100 and 120+ (mph) you have a minimum number of spaces that you need to move ahead, regardless of what your die roll is. So, if you are travelling at 100 mph and roll a 1 to move, you will move ahead 4 spaces (minimum for 100 mph). If you roll higher than this minimum, you can use it to move left and right to avoid hazardous terrain, etc, but still, 4 would be spent on moving ahead.

Also, cars could have speed and handling. Speed determines whether you roll a d6, d8 or d10, etc. And handling determines how many you roll. Then when you move, you roll the number of dice and keep the highest one. Then, certain types of terrain, or possibly attacks, would do things such as reduce the opponents handling for the next turn, etc.

These were the thoughts I had on the subject. What do you think?

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

Your going in the right direction Krosse. I am think that speed should be consistent so if i am at 120 MPH and my opponent is at 60 MPH There is no chance that i am getting passed unless i wreck or spin out. So there will have to be a mechanism to handle that or the game will be frustrating. :idea: I propose a base movement rate per speed column modified by a chart roll. Did i Hear some one say "Terrain" how about making this a Baja. Some other things we might want to look at are a few issues for racers in the real world including drafting, fuel consumption and tire ware. The latter two making pit stops necessary so it's not just peddle to the metal.

CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

I think a cityscape would be more interesting, and give us a bit more to work with as far as terrain. I think we should have some things, possibly fuel consumption, etc, based on your speed. The amount of fuel you hold can be based on the car, cycle, etc, you've chosen. However, in a game with guns and explosions abound, I can't really see people stopping in the pit to get refitted. Its more of a do or die situation. If you blow a tire, you can try to finish, but mostly just pray that your two door sitting duck won't get blown away. Another thing, I agree that some mechanic would have to be worked in to prevent slower cars from passing faster ones, which is why I suggested the minimum movement.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

Just some thoughts off the top of my head:

Cars could have 'fuel cells' or whatever- a pile of tokens from which some are removed each turn. The amount depends on how fast you are going and how heavy your vehicle is.

Say there are 3 weight classes for example, Heavy, Medium, and Light. And say there are 3 or maybe 4 'gears'- 1 is the slowest, 4 is the fastest. Perhaps a Light car in gear 3 would 'use up' 4 units of fuel, while a medium car in gear 4 would use 6. Basically 1 unit per gear, and an additional 1, 2, or 3 for the weight class.

Now the distance travelled per turn would depend on the gear, and probably ought not be linear- the higher your gear, the more fuel you use, the faster you go, but the incremental acceleration from gear to gear should probably be smaller from 3 to 4 than it is from 1 to 2.

Players would start with a particular number of these fuel counters. Maybe the same amount, or maybe it depends on the car- for example there could be different (hopefully balanced) car templates, each with specific information like how much movement per gear, how much fuel consumed per turn in each gear, how much fuel to begin with, and what kind of maneuverability or special stuff the car has.

Stopping in at the pit would replenish your fuel. There could be a 'running on fumes' rule where if you are out of fuel counters, your speed is X (where X is a small amount) rather than Zero, so you don't HAVE to stop for gas if you don't want to.

The Pit would also let you upgrade stuff like Tires or Engine (one that uses less fuel per turn). If this were a crosscountry race like Cannonball Run or Death Race 2000 then the pits and upgrades would become more important and useful- not as much in a quick race. Though in a combat race-to-the-death maybe the Pit could also restock ammo (there'd be a no-shooting-the-guy-in-the-pit rule of course).

Ok, that's about all I can think of offhand.

- Seth

CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

Okay, this is a complete tangent...

One of my ideas that's been sitting around patiently awaiting attention is Mega-Nuclear Monster Racing. Only thing is I had it on a hex map - for the very deliberate reason that, dangit, you are a giant monster, and if you want to cut a corner by going THROUGH the buildings, you can ;^) The other hook was a simple momentum model rather than an aribtrary speed limit in corners.

Joined: 08/03/2008
CGD1 Brainstorm: Racing

I haven't been reading this thread very carefully, but my initial thought on this subject is that car racing games have already been done, and so have car racing/combat games. Not necessarily a deterrant, but again, an uphill battle in treading original ground.

I had an idea for a racing game based on running (which I admit would appeal primarily to me, since I ran Cross Country in school...) where movement was card-based, and you did "training" to get certain cards. (so, if you did certain kinds of workouts, ex "sprint" workouts, you would have cards that would allow for occasional bursts of speed, whereas if you did "long runs", you could increase the total number of cards you could play, etc).

I'm not actually sure whether I'm sufficiently ambivalent to my idea that I'm willing to throw it out for the group to actually use, so much as to say that "car racing" has been done, and done well, ditto horse racing, canoe racing ditto cars with guns. Are there other kinds of races that could be approached? Is there a way that this theme can be combined with one of the other ideas? Why not "race to the center of the Earth"? Maybe a player has to balance trying to be the first one there with producing good discoveries along the way, or something. My concern would be, again, that this kind of thing has been done in Goldland, but some way of combining ideas might make everyone happy AND give a new twist on pretty standard themes...

Just my thoughts...


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