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Need a 5th Class!!

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Joined: 12/02/2009

Ok, here is a quick overview of the game we are working on. Its an fantasy/adventure/rgp. Basically, you travel around a map fighting demons and bosses while collecting items, doing quests blah blah... But it has a some what religous theme. The "classes" represent tribes that overtime have developed into demon hunters. I have four classes created and test played, each with unique skills/talent/abilities etc.. They are:

Crusaders : Knights that abandoned an evil king long ago and now find and hunt demons. (Swords, spears, shields... etc... )

Shepherds: Descendants from ancient shepherds that developed their control of animals to fight demons. "they control wolves" Much like a druid without the shape-shifting. (wolves, occasional raven)

Saints: Those who gave up everything worldly, and were blessed with spiritual powers to fight. "so yea, no weapons" (Magic)

Slayers: Born barbaric warriors but through faith they now live to slay demons. (Axes, hammers)

So, I need a fifth class... One that uses a BOW! Like a hunter, but with more meaning or a more unique name. I also need a background story or some way to relate them to the overall cause of killing demons. Im completely stuck and want to move onto other areas so any help would be much appreciated! Oh, and if you come up with the one i end up using, i def send you a copy of the game and give you credit. :)

Joined: 06/18/2010

How about Wardens or Avengers? Guardians of Nature who seek to purify the land. (Fits a classic ranger model)

Pastor_Mora's picture
Joined: 01/05/2010
Monks (oriental style)

I would advice some oriental style Monks. You could use the Kyudo technique for the bow (something like aiming at your inner demon). Plus, it would broaden your cultural spectrum and provide a more colorfull background.

Plus, I would advice against the use of wolves to hunt demons. These creatures are often considered evil themselves. The pentagon of evil creatures comprise of wolves, bats, rats, snakes and demons (evil spirit). All together they sum up to the ultimate evil creature. Do you know what creature I'm talking about? It has bat wings, rat legs, serpent body, wolf head and demon spirit. Any guess? I say skip wolves from the good side.

Keep thinking!

Joined: 06/15/2010
Blind demon busting monk archers?

Love the idea of bow toting monks.

Did you ever see the Samurai Jack episode with the blind archers.
That could be a pretty cool little sect (class) to play with.
They took a vow, had their eyes plucked out, learnt to navigate their environments using sonar clicks (this is actually possible) They can smell and hear and sense evil and aren't decieved by their eyes. Works nicely with a monk like ethos of discipline.


Joined: 12/02/2009
Im really liking the Warden

Im really liking the Warden idea. In D&D wardens are guardians of nature which is what i was kinda looking for. As for the Wolves, i've been on edge about that one since the start. It's between wolves or some giant hounds...

Wardens : Protector of nature and creatures, also live in wilderness to escape temptations of the world.... Ive never been good at story writing.

Would anyone choose this class?

And thanks so far the responses are great!

Relexx's picture
Joined: 05/31/2010


Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008
Lions and Tigers and BEARS!!

How about instead of Wolves or Hounds using Bears?

Bears may not be as quick and agile as a Wolf or Hound but they have some other advantages! Or just have a few different creatures they control: Birds of Prey, Dogs, Bears, Big Cats, ect.

The blind bow toting monks sound really cool to me.

In a show called Legend of the Seeker (which I highly recommend) they have 'Sister's of the Light' (and Dark) that use a Dahkra (sp) which is a type of magical ninja star/shuriken. It could just as easily be a bow but is still a ranged weapon.

Or as in Inuyasha the chick on there uses a bow, not sure her backstory as I have only seen a few episodes.

Lastly, it looks like you have the classes all covered but in many Demon Hunting/Slaying fantasies it involves a half demon/human hybrid that has turned on his demonic kin and hunts them down. Just another avenue you may want to pursue.

Joined: 06/18/2010
Shepard Summon

when i'm thinking of shepard, i'm going straight to druids. and i think it would be creative not to use animals (although really cool) but to summon elementals. Like an earth elemental or plant elemental. Definitely has that nature's revenge against demons feel.

Joined: 12/02/2009

When I started designing this game, the Hybrid was one of the first things that came up. i really liked the idea, but as the game developed, it kind of worked itself out of the game. As for the Shepherd, test-playing it has proven to be really fun. In the original design, you actually could choose between wolf, bear, boar and even a stag. Perhaps I should go back to that. And I'm thinking that the warden should posses the elemental abilities as they are the guardians of nature. Thanks for the suggestions and comments, keep em comin!

Joined: 04/18/2009
Assasins guild

Depending on how you do the story with the deamons you could make the fifth the assasins guild. If the other clases have evolved into deamon hunters why is there no profesional one? I bet people would be willing to pay a handsom fee to be rid of a pesky deamong so why not hire youre self a deamon assasin?

The clas is a mixed range/stelth class, hide in the shadow and hit the deamon with trowing daggers, blowdarts och bow and arrow coverd in holey water or what ever is good against this particular deamons. Or they might just aswell sneek up behing you and slith youre troat with one of there manny daggers. (so it is eather ranged or close up and personal for this one, depending on how the range works in the game)

Joined: 12/02/2009
What about this?

i think I'm going to go with the warden for the Bow/nature class. But I really like the idea of having an "original" demon hunting class. How about, Exorcist. They could use the stealthy tactics, aswell crucifix daggers, that they could bless with different things, holy water, etc.... They could maybe even have some traps or something much like rouges or assasins. Maybe a cross dagger with a chain attached to it that can restrain the demons so they can be exorcised or destoryed? Might make for an interested weapon.

Joined: 04/18/2009
To me exorsists is mor magic

To me exorsists is mor magic based, doing different rituals. And to me that takes time so being an exorsist trying to get rid of a free deamon seems a litle risky. Or Im I the onley one who thinks about exorsists in this way?

Joined: 12/02/2009

Well an exorcist is basically a priest or minister who can drive out evil spirits using prayers and other relics like holy water etc... so maybe a little tweaking and adding of some relics like crucifixis, he could very well have melee capabilities..... perhaps we should consult a paster on this one... haha

RogueKoi's picture
Joined: 07/29/2009

I vote you call the class the Pilgrim: It would be a holy wanderer who is skilled in surviving the hellish country side. The word also invokes the likes of Van Helsing and V for Vendetta in my mind. Both also happen to be good at cloak and dagger with V being good at "kara-te" and Van Helsing having toys.

Joined: 12/02/2009
I really like the pilgrim

There are actually quite a bit of religious connections to pilgrims. And i think if I could get come up with a good enough background story it could work out nice. but, is pilgrim and crusader too similar? probably not, but what do you think?

fecundity's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I have no clever ideas for

I have no clever ideas for the archers. But as for the wolf leading animal masters, "Wolfherds" would be a more apt name.

Joined: 04/18/2009
Crusaders and pilgrims are

Crusaders and pilgrims are sort of simular but still not. The repricent military and just people who what to se somthing holey or repent. I actualy thought you already ruled out the religious connections becaus it is so obvious whit it being a faction against deamons... But what ever flotes youre boat...

Joined: 01/25/2010
My shot at it

The Templars: Knights that were abandoned by a world they saved by losing the most holiest temple of their kingdom. Abandoned, they fled into the unknown regions of the world to continue to hunt and destroy demons before they destroy more worlds.
(Swords, spears, shields... etc... )

The Edomites: Thought to have been long dead, these descendants from ancient shepherds south of Judah developed their control of animals and people to fight demons. They battle with the mastery over the heart and soul; able to twist hearts against themselves or lift them into oblivious joy.
(mind control and manipulation)

The Ascetics: Those who gave up everything worldly, and were blessed, through self abstinence, with the power over evil; able to wield purity in fierce wrath of righteousness.
(toughness, holy conjering of divine spirit)

The Franks: Considered "barbaric warriors" by the Roman's, but through faith they now live to slay demons centuries later with their fracisca's that can tear a mans head into fragmented sausage meet with direct aim, or often even more devestating with indrect aim. Their vial weapon is only equaled by their brutal and chaotic persona in battle. At times it is hard to tell who is more evil; the Franks or the Demons. Luckily, the Franks hate the Demons.
(Axes, hammers)
(seriously; look these guys up)

The Englishmen: (statistics are derived literally from historical fact) By law, every Englishman is required to be proficient with the long bow (a weapon 6 feet tall and capable of 150lbf, capable of up to 400yrds). And with no practice range being allowed smaller than 200yds, their shear power is matched with incredible accuracy capable of penetrating even some of the heaviest armor. This is what is brought to their blessed command to defend against Evil by riding it from the world with their arrows of divine judgement and truth.

infocorn's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
Could you run a class-less

Could you run a class-less group that is simply made up of the devout? Allow for these folks to have some special proficiencies, but they're not good enough to be in a specific tribe. I think of it like your idiotic suburban hippie type...they might be good with a swiss army knife, but you don't want them with your battle-hardened regulars, per se.

I think you could go VERY flexible with this "nabob" class, and perhaps if you do leveling-up, they could join an order later in their development as a PC.

Joined: 03/26/2010
3 ideas for classes

I tough in the Exorcist too.

Exorcist: This scholars fights the demons with his mind and will. Rituals, holy vials and chants are his/her weapons.
Often they have complete book of the layers of hell and exploit the weakness of the demons.

Vessels: This common folks have accepted an angel to posses them in order to fight demons. The Vessel can do divine damage to demons and resist much of his powers. Faith, Resolve and his divine soul are his weapons
(Something as Castiel and the angels on Supernatural)

Demonoligist: This are survivors of demon's massacres or possessions. They create a unique link with the demons gaining some of his strength and abilities. They fight fire with fire. Strength, magic and demon servants are his weapons.

Hope you like one of this.

Joined: 07/20/2010
Maybe something like

Maybe something like Whirling dirvish

Joined: 10/11/2010

Inquisitors: Hired by the Evil king to hunt demons to be able to learn and control them. Uses bows, crossbows and nets. Provides an evil-ish class to play with.

mignuts's picture
Joined: 10/18/2010
Totally off topic

Pastor_Mora wrote:
I would advice some oriental style Monks. You could use the Kyudo technique for the bow (something like aiming at your inner demon). Plus, it would broaden your cultural spectrum and provide a more colorfull background.

Plus, I would advice against the use of wolves to hunt demons. These creatures are often considered evil themselves. The pentagon of evil creatures comprise of wolves, bats, rats, snakes and demons (evil spirit). All together they sum up to the ultimate evil creature. Do you know what creature I'm talking about? It has bat wings, rat legs, serpent body, wolf head and demon spirit. Any guess? I say skip wolves from the good side.

Keep thinking!

Totally off topic, but I was wondering what creature Pastor_Mora was describing here, I'm thinking its the long Chinese Dragon with wings?

Relexx's picture
Joined: 05/31/2010
Perhaps Diablo

Perhaps Diablo

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