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Survive the City (Survival/Scavenger Game)

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StagCutlery's picture
Joined: 06/02/2013

So here's what I have so far:

City Tiles/Cards
These make up the buildings of the city. The tile/card tells you where the door (entrance) is and how many floors the building has. If I go with tiles, the art borders with form streets when they're lined up next to each other. If I got with cards, the cards will need space between them to form the streets. The important parts are the street intersections and building entrances; these matter for movement.
I'd prefer tiles because I could have angled streets and cul-de-sacs instead of a complete grid shaped city.
Item Tiles
These are what the survivors are searching for. They are things that you can use to make other things, like spending cloth, shoe laces, and glass to make a makeshift knife. Food and water will also be tiles. Right now, I'm thinking of having all the tiles spread out, face down, on the buildings ahead of time. I haven't determined if knowing when a building will run out is important or not yet, but if so the tiles can be kept face down in a pile next to the city.
Gear Cards and Tiles
Cards are used to supply the survivors with things they need but have to build, like backpacks and clubs. It'll be very rare, but things that don't have to be built will be in here too. Tiles will only come into play once the thing is built.
Someone suggested giving survivors abilities, and I said I'd consider it if I thought it would add to the experience. After playing Last of Us, I could add abilities in the form of survival manuals that attach to survivors.
Survivor Cards
The "HP" of the game. Players will be given a starting number of survivors. The rest will be shuffled with a set of hostile survivors to form a deck. Each survivor can hold one Item tile and one Gear tile.
Throughout the game, players will have to deal with hostile/neutral survivors while searching for items. Neutrals will join your camp, but hostiles will demand something or you lose a survivor.
Right now, I thinking there's a "survivor item tile" that comes up during a search, but If I had building tiles I could have the buildings dictate whether or not a survivor is there.
Player Camp Mat
This is where players keep track of how much food/water they have left. A player's stockpile of items tiles go here.
First Player Tile
This has the turn order phases on it and it's the FP's job to maintain what the current phase is.

This next part is copy and pasted from my notes, so apologies if it's disjointed.

Turn Order
Morning (The turn order here isn't that important because no one is affecting anyone else)
  • Lower your Food and Water timers by 1 for every 2 survivors, plus one more for every search party still out.
  • This is a countdown (7f/3w). Once a timer hits zero, the player must spend one Bottled Water token or Canned Food token to reset the timer. I may add a fuel timer if it looks like the game needs it.
  • Take Stock
  • Place item tiles on your survivors face down in your Stockpile.
  • Set up search parties
  • Each party can be 1-4 members. A party can split up as long as it's in the same building, but they must exit a building together.
  • Relocate
  • You may move your camp to an adjacent building. You need at least 4 survivors to do this.
    Afternoon (Each action in this phase happens before moving on to the next one, all players move before searching)
  • Move up to four times
  • Move between intersections, intersection to entrance (or vice versa), entrance to floor 1 (or vice versa). You can also move between floors in numerical order.
  • Search
  • Each floor may be searched once per day. If you're the only player in the room, take an Item tile without revealing it and add it to a search member. If there's more than one player on the same floor of a building, then the tile is turned up for everyone to see. If no players want the item, it stays there, otherwise a Conflict occurs.
  • Gather
  • Each player draws one gear card for every building in which he has a search party.
    Evening (same as afternoon phase)
  • Move up to four times
  • Scavenge
  • The Player may Search. Remember each floor can only be searched once per day. If they cannot search, the player may draw 1 gear card instead.
  • Hunt
  • Each search party loses one member unless they have a Lantern.
  • Raid
  • All players may send one search party to attempt to Raid another player's camp, starting with the first player. The party must have a lantern. The enemy camp can't be farther than six moves away from your camp. A conflict occurs with the exception that if the raiding party wins, they get to search the Camp's Stockpile and walk away with one tile per member. The defending camp automatically loses a conflict unless the have a Campfire.

    I'll post more once I get Conflict down the way I want.

    StagCutlery's picture
    Joined: 06/02/2013

    Here's what I have so far for conflicts

    Step 1: Negotiate or Back Out

    All parties involved are considered committed to the conflict until they back out. A player can remove their party from the conflict by backing out at any time during steps 1 or 2. A conflict ends immediately if all but one party backs out. The remaining party gets to collect the item in this case.
    Starting with the first player (if he's involved) a moving clockwise, each player may attempt to make a deal to any of the other players committed. The players may offer or demand items/gear/promises, make trades, or make a request (like asking another player to back out). If an agreement cannot be reached by all players, then go to Step 2.

    Step 2: Threaten or Back Out

    Once players fail to reach an agreement, they to prepare for a fight. Players begin by committing their party members to the fight (including any weapons they have equipped), or by playing weapon cards from their hands (spending any tiles needed and not going over equipment slots). Players go round and round, one upping each other by committing more members or brandishing more weapons until all players pass, or enough back out. Once all players pass, or back out, move on to Step 3.
    If a player wants to back out, this is the absolute last time to do so.

    Step 3: Fight

    Players fight it out. First, any player that brandished a gun during Step 2 may spend a bullet to force any other player to lose a party member. Next, players total their Fighting Force. Force is determined by adding your committed members, plus any clubs/shanks/knives they're carrying (so two members with one of them carrying a club would have a force of 3). The party with the largest force gets to collect the item. If there's tie, then no one collects the item and it remains where it is.
    Finally, Any committed players with Lethal weapons may use them to force players to lose party members. A player can't lose more members than they've committed. If a player brandished a pipe bomb, then they decide to use it now and all party members on the floor are lost regardless if they're in the conflict or not.
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