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Recruiting Euro People

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infocorn's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008

Hi all.

Watching FRINGE's finale last night, I had this idea for a game (go figure...). There was a plot device on the show about Quarantining areas of the US after all kinds of kerplooey on the show. I won't go into more details as it's not relevant other than as my jump-off.

Anyhoooooooooo...I've only had experience (and limited at that) in eurogaming with Settlers of Catan. I've read a little theory on Euros, and I like the concept. I think the post-disaster concept I'm toying with in QUARANTINE might fit nicely into a strategic Euro-flavored game.

What I have are some loose threads:
-- I want it to be a board game.

-- I would like to be able to proto with piecepack tiles, maybe some coins/pawns, and a host of the most useless coin currency in your particular country (US Pennies pop immediately to mind).

-- I like Settler's Robber/Zombies'! zombies as truly Netural-- but still motivated-- "players" to change the landscape.

-- Another inspiration is ZOMBIES'! compulsory Zombie move-- you HAVE to move the Zombies on the board and they keep spreading. I do NOT, however, want to do anything zombie-flavored as its too cartoony for what I want to achieve.

-- I have the concept that your side is isolated from the other players by a pestilence (the Neutrals) zone. You are as much quarantined from them as they are from you. But something is changing them-- maybe a rabble-rouser, maybe the plague inspiring dementia, who knows-- and they're wanting to spread in every sense of the word.

-- I have a contemporary setting in mind. And a location. But again, that isn't a huge deal.

Your initial mission/endgame is to unify the outposts you and the other players control to attempt a large-scale push against the Sick. Each starts with six clean citizens, a doc, and a soldier. Resources for heath and (?) are on the board; you're going to need to go out after them. Trading is encouraged. My Neutral will be both the Sick moving about AND a "reproduce" roll: this creates new Clean Citizens and possibly more Sick.

A wrinkle here is that I also like giving players some motivation and the game some wrinkles by introducing a Role deck. As the game opens, everyone takes 1 (or more) Role cards, outlining their motivations and giving them specific alternate victory conditions. Think of it as having "lawful goods" and "Chaotic evils" running around. Obv. those will be changed around. I actually think this might be something you could do with a standard deck of cards using face-cards: hearts v. diamonds v. spades v. clubs.

Combat is a must here, but I would like it to be more strategic vs. stats-heavy, along the lines of things like Chess, Go, or Backgammon. Maybe even Senat, if there's combat to that...been so long since I even looked INTO Senat that I don't remember it well...

That's a lot to digest, so here's the sum total:
If you know German/Eurogaming well enough to aid in design, I wanna hear from you. Reply here or message me.


infocorn's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
Not just bumping to bump, but

Not just bumping to bump, but have decided to drop the German Game feel from this.

I think the combat mechanic kind of limits it.

But still open to any suggestions, comments, etc.

Joined: 09/20/2009
A lot going on

Sounds like you have a ton of good ideas. I guess I would suggest finding a core mechanic that fits your theme. The "engine" can help sift through the cascade of ideas. That being said

The idea of mutual quarantine is an intriguing one. choosing when to create a blockade and when to tear ti down to conquer and area. I also like the random seeding of new sick/well people. Perhaps multiple dice rolls? Like simple genetics, an infected person becomes a carrier, and can infiltrate the opposite camp.

Just some thoughts, keep us updated on your progress!

infocorn's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
Getting there

I have a LOAD of ideas. I don't want to go as in-depth as Risk (or similar), so I'm deciding what I'm keeping and what I'm chucking.

The setting will be Pittsburgh, PA, allowing me to quickly use a map with a hex/triangle grid for pawn/token movement. Combat is more, as I said, along the lines of something like Go: each hex will be broken into six triangles. When your core team (2 Citizens, and either a Doctor or a Soldier) hits a new hex, if your numbers are bigger than the Infected (EG your core of 3 vs. 1-2 infected), you can cure with Doc or kill off with a Soldier. I also think that if the Neutral Infected end up on certain squares they can be decontaminated and "apply for citizenship." If you take a Hex, you roll against Threat Level (as below); if you're UNDER the level, you can colonize the hex and, if it's adjecent to your other safe colonized lands, extend your outposts. As I said, the initial endgame is to unify your outpost with other players' and attempt a big push against the Infected.

The Infected can't voluntarily cure themselves. When they move into a new hex, they can immediately infect any players pieces if they're bigger in numbers (e.g. 2 infected to a Citizen).

The other core I'm working with is Threat Level. Similar to the homeland security idiocy in the States, it's a d6-based stat that is rolled as the Neutral finishes a round and applies until the next round. Not sure all of the uses for it yet, but in addition to helping with colonization efforts it can make those decontamination spaces work easier or harder for sure, or maybe allow the Infected special bonuses or something.

I'm keeping the Role deck; I think having a hidden agenda makes the game very interesting. The Roles are pretty fixed; I think like maybe 20 cards should do it.

infocorn's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
I've some stuff put together.

I've some stuff put together. It's a work in progress, but I added it as a game journal. Take a look if you're interested.

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