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Trying to Learn to use Vassal

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kj's picture
Joined: 07/24/2008

I'm working on a game and want to playtest it with Vassal. The basic setup I need is as follows, and I can't figure out the basic module setup that works for this. Help? Any hints or links to tutorial for similarly structured games would help. I'm reading through the manual and watching some videos but it's not clicking well.

Game has 2-6 players (I can't even figure out how to set that part up in Vassal).

There's a main board with some info and places for markers (e. g., what year is it? 1-4)

There is a board per player, similar to 7 Wonders. Randomly assigned at the beginning of the game from 6 available boards. The boards are viewable by all.

The player boards have two tracks on which tiles can be placed. The first position on each track is pre-built.

Players have tiles they haven't build yet (e. g. a "hand"). This are not visible to other players.

Will be happy if I can get that far to start ... then I have to figure out how to handle the 8 steps that take place in each round. I don't even mind if that's not very automated at this point.

kj's picture
Joined: 07/24/2008
I think for the 2-6 players

I think for the 2-6 players part, you add 6 "sides" even though some of them won't get used. I don't know how to enforce a minimum number of players, though, or assign the boards to the players.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Wish I could help... But

We (I) used TableTopia as an online test bed for our game TradeWorlds (TW). It took about 2 weeks to get all the cards and assets ready for the game ... And then probably 2 more weeks to write a Player's Guide where people can FOLLOW along with the guide to understand HOW to PLAY the "base/core" game.

For us (me), it was important that the Player Guide illustrate HOW to use the platform using the simplest possible methods.

For example: how to shuffle a deck with 1-click or how to move a deck on top of another deck pile (discard), etc.

Things like that which have a specific way the player must interact with the TOOL (platform) and not the game and its rules (themselves).

Hopefully someone HAS some experience with VASSAL reads this thread and may log in just to HELP you! Sorry I could not be of further assistance.


kj's picture
Joined: 07/24/2008
Thanks ... After a couple

Thanks ... After a couple more days of reading, trying, testing, and tearing my hair out, I've made some progress with VASSAL. At every step it takes a lot of research and trial, and then I may or may not get something working. I do have decks of tiles and I can move them around. I'd like to restrict where they go better but have had limited success so far.

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