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Opinions wanted on Noble Abilities

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Here is a SAMPLE of a Noble card:

Building is okay, it says: "1 Yellow + 2 Blue" produced each time building is chosen at the Noble level.

My problem is BELOW, with the two (2) "Abilities": in this case "Upgrade" and "Deliver". Each of those abilities rely on the "Power Level" in the Top-Left corner (in this case a "3").

So "Upgrade" means that you can take ANY "basic resource" and AUGMENT it. But relying on the "Power Level". So if my "Power Level = 2", I can take any "Basic" resource and ADD "+2" to it (or two "+1 and +1").

Example: Power Level = 2. And I decide to UPGRADE one (1) BLUE resource to a RED one. Blue = 2 points + 1 point = 3 (or RED). I could also upgrade another Blue (if I desired to do so...) But instead I want to UPGRADE one (1) YELLOW resource to a BLUE one. Yellow = 1 point + 1 point = 2 (or BLUE).

In the end I would have 1 RED and 2 BLUES.

"Deliver" is exactly that: it allows you to transport some basic resources to another location in your realm. Again it too relies on the Power Level but works a bit differently. Instead of "Points" it works on a PER CUBE basis.

Example: Power Level = 2. Means that I could take my two (2) BLUE cubes and move them to another location in my tableau (think Play Area).

Ok that's the explanation of the card and a couple abilities (currently).

Question #1: should I TRY to find icons for EACH ability???

The abilities are:

  • Stockpile = allows you to keep MORE resources between turns.
  • Upgrade = allows you to take a "basic" resource and make it more valuable (upwards only)
  • Convert = allows you to take a "basic" resource and make it less valuable (downwards only)
  • Deliver = allows you to send "basic" resources to another location
  • Broker = allows you to trade "basic" resources with another location
  • Garrison = allows a champion to be temporarily assigned to another location (useful during the Conquest phase of the game)

Question #2: should I specify more detailed abilities???

And example would be "Stockpile (5)" which would allow for 8 "basic" resources and "Upgrade (2 Blue) > Red" (as an example)...

This demonstrates the more GENERAL "abilities" versus being more specific.

Any response to these two (2) questions would be greatly appreciated. Even if it's just your "opinion", I'd like to know which seems like the better approach.

Joined: 04/08/2012
Open source abilities card

This is how I would do what your doing.
Since with all of the abilities you want to have your players work out during game play, then allow them to. Why constrict your players thought process by only having a few abilities trying to half of what the game allows. This is for your Stockpile thru Garrison Abilities options.

For Victory Points: For more specific detailed abilities on the back of the same card for the first set of abilities

The more a player gains victory points the player can flip over the Abilities card to learn more new specific abilities. But if the player loses the conditions of the more specific abilities then the player flips the card over back to the basic set of abilities.

Since you can not make up your mind with all the great abilities, then allow the players free think their abilities. Put all of these abilities on a tarot sized card then playtest those abilities. If it doesn’t work, just go with option 2: more specific abilities on a single side card.

Paul Ott
Joined: 01/22/2018
Question #1: should I TRY to

Question #1: should I TRY to find icons for EACH ability?

Yes, in my opinion, but have them use similar iconography.

For example:
Upgrade: fat arrow pointing up.
Convert: fat arrow pointing down.
Deliver: arrow pointing right, maybe looking like it is jumping or wiggling or a fork.
Broker: one thin arrow pointing left on top of one thin arrow pointing right.
Stockpile: three thin horizontal lines.
Garrison: three thin vertical lines, maybe with pointed tips.

I wouldn't use completely unique iconography for them.

Question #2: should I specify more detailed abilities?

Personally, I prefer bigger choices. I'd rather decide between two abilities rather than having them both, but decide which I give a 10% bonus to.

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
Paul Ott wrote:Question #1:

Paul Ott wrote:
Question #1: should I TRY to find icons for EACH ability?

Yes, in my opinion, but have them use similar iconography.

For example:
Upgrade: fat arrow pointing up.
Convert: fat arrow pointing down.
Deliver: arrow pointing right, maybe looking like it is jumping or wiggling or a fork.
Broker: one thin arrow pointing left on top of one thin arrow pointing right.
Stockpile: three thin horizontal lines.
Garrison: three thin vertical lines, maybe with pointed tips.

I wouldn't use completely unique iconography for them.

Question #2: should I specify more detailed abilities?

Personally, I prefer bigger choices. I'd rather decide between two abilities rather than having them both, but decide which I give a 10% bonus to.

You beat me to it. I'd use icons but make them clearly distinct from those other icons. Larger than those as well, since these are the main "powers" of the card. I'd even consider putting them over on the right side, one on top of the other, where you have dead space.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Here is the revised version

Here is the revised SAMPLE of a Noble card:

I've removed the writing and made the decision that the card's "Power" is the amount of Victory Points (for that card). In this case the card is worth "5 Victory Points".

The abilities are:


Five (5) additional resource of ANY "color" can be stored for future use.


Three (3) Yellow cubes may be upgraded to 2 Blue or 1 Red.

I personally really LIKE this version better than the predecessor... What are your thoughts?! Is this sort of what you were "envisioning" with the comments???

Paul Ott
Joined: 01/22/2018
Yeah, something like that. :)

Yeah, something like that. :)

Lowenhigh's picture
Joined: 03/20/2018
The little letters and

The little letters and numbers aren’t going to work on a card. That detail is too small to be effective. I would rather see 3 yellow cube shapes instead of a “3Y” (color blind friendly).


[Y] [Y] [Y] = [B] [B] or [R]

Don’t use the letters - just color only. Less is more :)

I don’t know what the symbols mean, but you need to abandon the number/letter on the small cube with those as well.

Also, when you say these cards have a “power level,” that doesn’t work for me thematically unless you are using superpowers to terraform cubes. Call it something else that fits what a noble might have... maybe “Crafting Level” or something more relatable. I understand why you use it to speak since it makes theoretical sense as a game designer, but find something else to call it that fits your theme.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
A couple comments

Firstly your "multiplication" of cubes is NOT "Color-blind friendly". I much prefer have the notation used on the cards rather than just adding additional cubes (when it's a 2 or a 3, etc.)

Secondly I have proofed the SIZE of the Font on a 1200 dpi laser printer and I must admit that the values are EASILY read-able.

I know that from the PNG file it seems a little "hard to read" but when you print it at HIGH-RES (300+ dpi), rest assured the writing is even MORE read-able than on the 1200 dpi laser (since the colors are shades of grey...)

So you don't need to worry about that aspect of the design.

Lastly you seem to have a concern with the term "Power" level... That's exactly what that value is: it tell how much "Power" that a card has. The number which is for example "5" means that the MAXIMUM Power level for that card is five (5). The "Power" level is the amount of POINTS that a player can score during the last phase of the game ("Scoring Phase").

During the "Conquest" phase of the game, various cards will LOSE "Power" levels and there be worth LESS "Victory Points" during the Scoring Phase.

So a Five (5) point card may become only a "3" point card because it has LOST some "Power" levels (specifically 2 in this example) during the "Conquest" phase.

If you feel you can come up with a better term for ALL of the cards just let me know: Nobles, Champions, Boons, Equipment, Underlings, Creatures, Shadow Lore, Treasures.

I don't want one card to be called "A" and another type of card to be called "B". Right now it's "Power" level for ALL of those cards. I'd like to keep it as "simple" as possible.

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