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Level 1: Race-to-the-end (ALL)

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Garage Gamer
Garage Gamer's picture
Joined: 11/07/2014

Level 1: Race-to-the-end (ALL)


Hey everyone, this is the thread for all completed projects for this week. Post your finished project here for the masses to admire. This week I will shy off posting any "critique" threads as this week is all about just getting into the designing process. If you do want to post any critiques or any discussion you may use this thread for now.

Completed Projects

Just post bellow, there is not limit on the word count and no particular formatting required. Keep in mind that others will be reading it, so make sure you look over it once or twice before posting. (I will be posting my completed project after a few posts)

DifferentName's picture
Joined: 09/08/2013
Race to the middle?

Here's the race game I made while following along with the course reading.

1) There's a path with 12 spaces.

2) Objective & Theme: Get to the end first. I chose to keep the theme abstract so it wouldn't get in the way of interesting rules.

3) To move, choose a number from 1-3, and move that number of spaces.
- Get 3 pieces of something, and choose in secret, then everyone reveals their number at the same time.

4) After moving, check if you are ahead of any other players. If you're ahead of another player for two or more turns in a row, switch places with them. If there are more than two players only one switch occurs per turn. Start by checking if the player in front has been ahead of anyone for 2 turns in a row, switching with the closer of those players. If players are on the same space so both are valid for the switch, each of those players is included in the switch.

DrFro's picture
Joined: 10/27/2014
Running from Fate!!!

Here is a link to my "race-to-the-end" game. It is pretty silly, and wouldn't stand up to any real gaming scrutiny. But I completed it in 10 minutes, so there is that!

Also - it should probably state that you start on the first square of "Denial." I'm feeling lazy though, so I'm not fixing it. :P

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011


Players must navigate a path, collecting gears, springs, and other mechanical pieces while trapped inside a gigantic clockwork machine. Start at the "S" space, and finish at the "F" space. The first player to arrive at the "F" with all their required pieces wins the game.

SETUP: All players start at the "S" space. They also draw a special Components List card. This card will list the required pieces of machinery they must collect before leaving the machine (via the "F" space). Players keep this card secret from the rest of the players.

Shuffle the Component cards, and deal them face-up on each of the round pathway sections until the deck is exhausted. A component or action should be clearly visible to all players at each of these sections.

The player who most recently used a stopwatch is first to play, then play proceeds clockwise around the table.

Move your player token from 1 to 3 spaces in any direction. You are welcome to land on/end your turn on the same space in which you started.

When landing on a blue space, collect one of the cards from the center of that round segment of the path (the deck of cards is marked with the rectangle). These cards will have either machinery pieces, or they'll have action cards a player may use to sabotage another player or advance their own position. Cards are played at the start of a given player's turn.

These round pathways resemble gigantic gears and cogs. When ending their turn on one of the round paths, the player rolls a die to determine which way to turn ALL the round pathways occupied by a player: one, two, or three spaces, either clockwise or counter-clockwise.

These can be played by the active player at the beginning of their turn. They have actions such as:

  • Force a player to drop one component of their choice at the nearest Round Pathway
  • Align the Round Pathway of their choice in whatever orientation the active player wants
  • Drop off two Components at their current Round Pathway to collect any other face-up Component
  • etc.

The first player to land on the "F" space and show their Components List and all required components wins the game.

Hunter's picture
Joined: 11/18/2013

SUMMARY: Ambush is a 2 player race through a series of treacherous mountain passes. As players progress, they also set up ambushes to try to slow their opponents.

BOARD: Four different interweaving paths, each broken into around 16 spaces. The spaces alternate between colors: tan, grey, and red.

CARDS: Each player has 3 Movement Cards (+1, +2, +3) and 3 Ambush Cards (Tan, Grey, Red).

GAMEPLAY: Each round, players secretly choose 2 cards: one for movement, which indicates how many spaces forward they will move their Token, and one ambush, which indicates which color spaces will be ambushed. Once cards are selected, movement cards are revealed. After tokens are moved, the ambush cards are revealed. If a player lands on an ambushed space, instead of moving forward X spaces this turn, they move back X spaces. For instance, if P1 moves forward +2 and lands on Red, then Red is ambushed, they then move their piece back 4 spaces (landing them at -2 in relation to the square they started on this turn.)

WINNING: The first player to reach one of the 3 possible ending spaces wins.

Joined: 09/29/2012
The Hunt

Here's my little game based around a player v all other players type build.

1)The players determine who will be the wolf.

2)The wolf may change lanes, the hunters may not.

3)When choosing an action, each "team" hides its moves from the other until everyone is ready and then reveals their action. All actions are executed according to the priority number on the card. Cards with the same priority happen at the same time.

4)The hunters and the wolf each have their own set of actions to choose from. The hunters and the wolf each choose 1 action at the beginning of a round.

Hunter's action Cards

(p= priority)

Run: roll a d6 and move that many spaces. 2p

Trap: Place a trap tile behind you. If the wolf lands here it must stop. 4p

Shoot: if the wolf is in your lane, the wolf cannot move from their space next round. 3p

Wolf's action cards

Run: Roll a d6 and move that many spaces. If it is a 6, roll again. (do not roll again if you roll 6 again) 1p

Howl: Force all hunters to move back 1 tile. 3p

Hide: Roll a d6, if it is 6, hunters cannot move from their space this turn. 2p

5) The hunters win if one of them reaches the wolf. The wolf wins if he loops around the track and reaches a hunter from behind.

Well, I hope this makes sense to everyone. I think it would be a little fun with the hidden element and a bit of strategy with some randomness thrown in there.

SLiV's picture
Joined: 10/21/2011
A Taste Of India

Two adventurous friends are on a culinary journey through India, each refusing to be outdone by the other when it comes to eating spicy food. However, in a country known for its extremely hot curries, knowing when to break out a refreshing dessert can be just as crucial as having an iron stomach.

Components: gameboard, two pawns, two dice.

Setup: both players roll a die; reroll until unequal. The player who rolled highest places his pawn on the number they rolled. The other player places his pawn on 0 and starts the game. Players alternate turns.

Gameplay: on their turn, a player either chooses 'sweet' or 'spicy'.

Sweet - the player rolls one die, representing a sweet dish. They move back two spaces and then move forward up to the number they rolled.
Spicy - the player rolls both dice, representing two spicy dishes. If the two dishes are different, the player chooses which one to take; however, if they take the lesser one, their opponent may trump them and take the spicier dish. If the two dishes are the same, the player can either double down and take both, or share one of their plates with their opponent, who must accept. The active player moves forward a number of spaces equal to whatever number(s) they took. Then, if their opponent has a dish, they move forward that number of spaces.

If a player would land on their opponents spot, they instead jump over it.

Winning: a player wins when they hit 14. However, if they go over 14 they burn out and their opponent wins the game instead.

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