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5 player race-against-the-clock dungeon defending board game about wily little goblins trying to defend their gems

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HandsomeGames's picture
Joined: 11/05/2015

Hi, I'm Paul from 2 Handsome Games. We've created Ready Check and Gossip ( for more details). We are Kickstarting our 3rd game. It's a semi-cooperative 5-player race-against-the-clock, deduction, dungeon defending board game with a twist. Rather than playing as the dungeon delvers, each player takes on the role of 1 of 5 unique and zany goblins determined to defend their dungeon from would-be invaders. Players will test their defenses against an array of invading forces including lawful knights, angry old wizards, pitchfork armed townsfolk, flaming pigs, insurance adjusters, ninja cats, and more!

You can find more information here:

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