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Drop the Puck crowd sale is on now!

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Wicked Griffin
Wicked Griffin's picture
Joined: 05/26/2016

Drop the Puck, 2-player strategic hockey board game, is having a crowd sale!

During the crowd sale the more people who buy the cheaper the game gets! Starts at a $5 guaranteed savings, then go up from there.

More info. videos, photos, and a download of the rules are available on the sale page.

Come take a look and help drop the price on Drop the Puck!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

The price of $60+ dollars is very high... But that is to be expected from "The Game Crafter" (TGC). I see you already have some buyers which is good. But the plain truth is that TGC pricing for games is too high for the average consumer.

Sure they make super nice prototypes and if you don't mind spending some money on nice games for Reviewers - that too is great. But for actually SELLING the games the price is a big factor.

More and more Kickstarters campaigns are being asked to tighten their purse strings to have more competitive pricing... Gamers are looking more and more for good deals.

At that price I wish you well (success) - but I can't help but think it's going to be rather difficult because of pricing.


And I too am aware of TGC CrowdSales because I had one of my own where I sold 30+ copies of my game. The "Early Release" was sold for $29.99 and up to a 33% discount (so $20.99). But even then the price was HIGH. I was hoping for 100+ buyers but only 30+... That meant for 2 Players the cost would be $59.98 (or almost $60 like your own game...)

Anyways just not an affordable price for most consumers...

Wicked Griffin
Wicked Griffin's picture
Joined: 05/26/2016
I agree.

Yes, you are very right. The price is the kicker. It seems the bar has been set very high on the quality of a Kickstarter campaign. People seem to kind of expect pro-videos, pro-photos, etc. all of which cost money forcing a designer to have a good amount of funding before...crowd funding. :) I decided to just make the game where I could with the budget I had and hope that anyone willing to take the chance on it will be happy with the product.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Very true!

Wicked Griffin wrote:
...It seems the bar has been set very high on the quality of a Kickstarter campaign. People seem to kind of expect pro-videos, pro-photos, etc. all of which cost money forcing a designer to have a good amount of funding before...crowd funding...

Yeah it's very true... Unless you work with a Publisher, from my own experience it is DIFFICULT to get all the skills needed to KS a game. Like you said you need great Graphic Design and amazing Artwork... And then comes the making of the game, you need strong quotes, less expensive shipping, real tight margins for encouraging backers to buy your game.

I would not recommend doing it alone.

But some "indie" designers have managed to do it... So it is POSSIBLE. But highly unlikely for most independent designers.

radioactivemouse's picture
Joined: 07/08/2013
It's rough.

To have someone "take a chance" at a 2-player card game from a new designer is a hard sell...especially with a price point of $65.

Heck, I went through a publisher and my 2-player card game sold for $30...and even then people mentioned that the price for my game was too high.

But we should learn from this and incorporate our wisdom in future games. Yes, it's more difficult trying to go through a publisher, but if and when you get a design through, it will mean something.

(like questccg said, I like Game Crafter for their prototypes, but to publish and distribute your game through them is more difficult than it seems)

Good luck!

Wicked Griffin
Wicked Griffin's picture
Joined: 05/26/2016
Thanks guys.

Thanks for the input! This is not a card game but a full on board game. there are player stand ups on a board and dice and tokens and cards.

I did attempt to submit to publishers but no one was interested in doing a sports game. The game itself has generated a lot of really positive feedback but that price tag is a huge issue.

I would love to attempt a Kickstarter but I plan on switching to a smaller less risky project for my first one. Kickstarter feels like a beast with many moving parts. From choosing a manufacturer to fulfillment services, shipping, international sales, stretch goals, and then the actual campaign as I stated before with all the pro-quality media. I am in no way opposed to the hard work involved but it is more that I am cognitive of my lack of knowledge in the different facets of running a successful Kickstarter campaign. I am continuing to research it and hope to pull the trigger on running a campaign in the future.

As for Drop the Puck on Game Crafter I kept my expectations hopeful but low. I would have been happy if I sold 5. I am definitely more interested in having people enjoy playing a game that I designed than any monetary gain (which may explain my lack of starting capital. lol). I am hoping the high price tag won't negatively impact the feedback of the game from those who bought it.

In the long run, designing the game and attempting sales through the Game Crafter has been an awesome learning experience and I plan to grow and learn more moving forward.

Again thanks for the input and insights. I look forward to learning much more from the community here.

Glass shoe games
Glass shoe games's picture
Joined: 02/28/2017
While I commend you for

While I commend you for making a sport game the sad reality Is the market is very slim. Going this route is probably your only option. I should note that my gaming group would never play a sport game and the only sports they watch is esports. My sport friends don't play games. I personally like sport games. Best of luck.

Wicked Griffin
Wicked Griffin's picture
Joined: 05/26/2016
Thank you for the feedback

Yes, I have come to the same conclusion. I am not sure there would be a big enough crossover audience of hockey/boardgame fans to support a Kickstarter. I will let it do what it can on The Game Crafter and hope it is enjoyed by anyone who buys it.

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