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My Starcraft Lite variant finally released

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I have just officially finished my first written variant with print out included. Even if it's a variant, I asked me at least 4 months of work. I am so enthusiastic about it. Since I don't intend to ever make free games, at least I can make free variants. Even if variants are free and are not originally my game, I consider it to be a good design experience that can help for other of my game designs.

Starcraft Lite is a variant for the Fantasy Flight Starcraft game. The objective of this variant is to make the game easier to play in order to reduce the amount of brain burning and speed up the game play. The secondary objective is to make the game look closer to the video game.

The rules and the print out can be found here:

The files have also been submitted on BGG and are waiting for approval.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Thank You

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