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Joined: 07/24/2008

Hi all,

used to be billnben on the old site.

I cannot navigate the new one! all of the top menus are sending me back to the home page and I can't find anyone - is the site open for business or have I just managed to find it early?

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Not sure if you read the

Not sure if you read the front page, but content is NOT fully migrated to the site (so a majority of the top links are not useful at this time*).

As for *I can't find anyone*, I am not sure what that means. If you select the Forums link on the left bar area, you will be in the forums and can post. What do you mean by *I can't find anyone*?

At this point any and all content from the old site has to be migrated by *the member* or by *the admin staff*. Any old content you desire is accessible through the archive link located in the top right corner of this new site. Any old wiki content will be migrated by the staff of (over time.... ).

Not sure this helps you any, but it is fine to start using this new site, just dont expect a ton of content at this time since we had to move early because of a increased volume of hacker attacks.

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