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Greetings from Lackey

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Joined: 12/06/2010

Hi everyone!

I created my BGDF account some time, ago, but promptly forgot that this resource existed. I don't even want to think about the valuable help I could have been receiving from all of you, and the contributions I could have been making to help others all this time.

But, what's done is done. I remembered BGDF exists! I'm here! So, hi!

I'm Lackey - a board game enthusiast, convention tournament organizer, and... aspiring hobbyist board game designer. I've got scores of seeds of game ideas, and a handful that have moved from mere thoughts in my head to some semblance of codified rules. However, I have yet to prototype or test any of these game ideas yet. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you, and contributing to the ongoing conversations for the rest of the BGDF member projects.

As far as etiquette goes here - if I had rules for a game that I am working on that currently live on an external site, like, say, Google Docs, is it good form to link to them, or should I post the rule set inside of a forum post?

Looking forward to interacting with all of you!
a.k.a. Lackey
Fugazi2112 on BGG

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