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It's good to be here!

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Periklez's picture
Joined: 08/04/2012

Hi all,

I'm a 36 year-old Swedish environmental consultant. My reason for being here is not that I have designed any games, nor am I that an experienced gamer - but I take my gaming seriously. Starting with board games I have over the years turned my focus to RPG, live RPG, computer games and for the last years back to board games. All depending on my available time and gaming friends. The thing that gets me going is the story telling, how any good game, regardless of type or design, can get my fantasy racing, starting to build stories in between and outside what is actually happening within the context of the game's rules.

But on top of that I'm systematic with a knack for the rules themselves. That have resulted in a number of not even close to finished RPGs and table-tops. Lately - or rather starting four years ago - three ideas have been taking shape. In brief:

  1. A postpone-the-apocalypse resource management card game, working-title "Paradigm - You can't win, only lose last". A colleague gave me the idea four years ago. We never managed to develop it together, but it has stuck with me.
  2. A tile-based exploration game inspired by the movie masterpiece "Stalker", working-title "Zonen". I will sketch it out more thoroughly in a post of its own, since I would love to hear you out at the concept stage, before I start paining out the details.
  3. And just yesterday - a sport management (collectible) card game. Unfortunately probably already done, so no guaranteed fountain of wealth left for me there.

I have been browsing through the forums and is greatly inspired by the enthusiasm, ingenuity and friendly atmosphere in this community. It sure feels good to be here!

/ pe Erik lez

Joined: 04/08/2012

Welcome to the community.

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