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Cook Off!

Two chefs have gotten into an argument about whose food is better!
Prepare recipes and battle dishes to see who is the Top chef!

Dishes as monsters
powered by food as mana
summoned from recipe book
turning pages grants you card draws
losing a battle forces you to turn pages
game ends when someone’s recipe book ends, the remaining player winning

Recipe books contain 40 recipes
The main deck contains foods, locations, spices and events
Each recipe details how to summon a dish to the field
You summon a dish to the field by expending the appropriate food cost
Your dish can be powered up by spices or location cards.
Event cards can effect how the game is played for a number of turns (ie Irish Potato Famine prevents starches from being used for one turn, three if Ireland is in play)
All cards cost food to play, as noted on the cards

Dishes have three main stats, Flavour, Visual Appeal and Creativity. Each can be a number from 1 through 5.
When a dish attacks another dish they roll a die and add their stat. Flavour vs Flavour, etc.
The attacking dish must win two or more of these battles to defeat the other dish
In a tie both dishes are scrapped.
If the attacker wins the opponent must turn a number of pages equal to the attacking dish's lowest stat and discard his dish.
If the defender wins the attacker must discard his dish and turn one page in his recipe book.

Play goes as such:
turn 1-3 pages in your recipe book, each page turned grants you to draw one extra card card
draw (1 card + # of turned pages)
Play one food card
play locations/events/spices 1
summon a dish
play locations/events/spices 2

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut