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Parachute Drop-Now With a Stork

Parachute Drop Alpha Prototype 2

I finished a truly playable alpha prototype for Parachute Drop. I decided to go with the stork delivering baby animals theme since I thought it was a little more compelling.
Game Setup: To start a 5x5 grid of path cards are laid out. The remaining stack of cards is set down face down and three cards are drawn and placed faceup in a line. The 5 animal cards (excluding the stork) are laid out at the bottom of the grid. The stork card is placed at the top about the center column. Each player gets 5 action cards and 5 animal tokens which represent the baby animal.
Player turn: Right now a players turn will consist of moving the stork card and dropping a baby animal, using an action card to manipulate the pathways in the sky, and moving the baby animal tokens downward. When the stork card is moved it can go up to two spaces horizontally up to 2 spaces. Players have 5 action cards with 5 different path manipulation actions. When a player uses one of these he sets it down and it can't be used again for the time being. When all 5 cards are set down (and all 5 different actions done) the player picks the cards up again and does the same process again. When the animal tokens are moved downward they must move 2 spaces if there is a clear path. Short paths are one space. The long paths are divided into 2 spaces with a dot. Moving back upward is not allowed; only sideways and downward. If an animal lands on the card of the same species then the player gets 3 points. If an animal lands on a card with a different species then only 1 point is awarded.
I'm not sure if the game should end when a player lands all 5 of his animal tokens or when both players land their tokens. It seems the first option would encourage more haste in the players.
I also have some ideas for putting special actions on some of the path cards.


Nice idea! It reminds me a

Nice idea! It reminds me a bit of this pixar-short I've seen a while ago:

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut