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Spell Dice

Wizard's Dungeon-action point dice game

While working on Wizard's Dungeon I hit upon the idea of using a mini dice game to determine how many actions a player gets at the beginning of their turn. I'm thinking that idea might be a little unweildy and will probably just use a dice roll to determine the number of actions using a custom die with two-2s, three-3s, and one 4.

Anywho, I'm still feeling like there might be something to this dice game idea and want to explore it further. What I'm thinking is that the players are wizards who start the game 3 or 4 dice and in order to perform spells they need to roll particular combinations of straights and runs with the dice. As the wizard gets more experience they gain more dice with which to cast spells. The spells themselves range from simple to complex and so a simple spell may only need a straight or a run of three dice while a complex spell may need multiple runs and/or straights which may be separate or need to branch off of each other.

As far as the setting of the game I'm thinking a dungeon crawl/adventure game using an idea I had while playing a game of Labyrinth: The Card Game

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut