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Sample Tactic card

Sample Tactic card

I just figured I'd *share* one of the many JUICY Tactic cards available to players.

These cards are used by players at ANY TIME. Much like Magic: the Gathering's Instant cards.

This particular card is interesting because it's effect lasts until the player's NEXT turn. So if you are playing with three (3) other players, this card can be used to protect a starship from being attacked by all the other opponents.

I had FUN designing these cards because they fundamentally break the rules of the game. Normally your starships should be attackable by any and all players. This card is a reversal of that rule.

There are other cards that are interesting also. Worthy of mention is the "Doomsday Device". The player rolls 2 Black dice and if it's a pair, he can choose to destroy ANY opponent's starship (just one). However it's still a pretty significant card since it too breaks the rules of how Space Battles work...

Anyhow just wanted to share this info... For the people interested in the progress of the game! :)

Note: the stars is just placeholder artwork until we get the go ahead from the Publisher - since they will be funding the remainder of the artwork. Ed Wedig and myself did the card layout, all that is left is artwork for each card. That will get done by our talented artist... and hopefully soon! ;)



Clean and nice template. Its colorful enough to catch attention of the eye - on the other hand its clean and calm enough not to be distracting.

for cutting purposes you should not place important icons/text too close to the border, but i guess this card is more of a mockup instead of a real template. so it won't be taken to the printer as it is.

(the game crafter card templates are always a good start, I've seen other manufacturers that use exactly the same layout and rules for bleed/cut/border space)


This card's template was designed based on TGC Poker card template. The icons and text are exactly on the border of what is permissible for TGC (drifting = 1/8in).

It was also used for Quest Adventure Cards(tm). And those cards were professionally printed (for end-product to consumers) and there were NO drift issues...

Unfortunately I find that TGC cutting is too close in some instances. This never occurred with Quest AC and it is the exact same template. So I think sometimes TGC has too much drift when cutting the cards.

It's a minor detail since I will be having the game made by a Publisher (who will most likely deal with China). And so they will ensure that the cards are properly cut without any drift (or minimal drift). Like I said, Quest AC was cut and I never had ANY drift issues...

ah okay, just wondered

ah okay, just wondered because the icons are quite close to the border.

hmm, i never had drift issues with TGC. its just important to keep everything within the blue borders, the stuff outside is prone to both drift and cutting.

Here is the TGC preview


You were wondering about the clipping of the card. Here is The Game Crafter (TGC) preview of the clipping area:

As you can see the all the important stuff is right on the edge or border of the clipping area. I know it does seem very close, I wanted to maximize the card area/content! :)

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image | by Dr. Radut