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Space Commander Card - Avenger

Space Commander Card - Avenger

Game card of a spaceship fighter/Bomber for Space Commander, my prototiped game of Space combat between fleets.

The ship design is mine (i'm an illustrator and graphic/web designer), and also the card icons/graphics/layout and the game mechanics


this is AWESOME

i dont usually comment on art ...
(mainly because i went to art school, work in the design industry, and knows how it feels, even if its a compliment.)

it definitely has an H.G. Wells book type of feel to the painting. i LOVE it.
i would buy this, if even just for graphic design reference.
Can't wait to see more.

Really neat

That's really appealing - reminds me of all the imagination in the art from the sci-fi from the 1950's and 1960's I used to read, but with a more modern flavor. Nice work.

I forgto to say...

If someone needs professional graphics for games, send me a mail to


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image | by Dr. Radut