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A blast from the past: Monkey Quest

Some 20 years ago or so I grew up playing HeroQuest as well as Space Crusade. The German name of the latter has been StarQuest (because .. HeroQuest, you know?)
I also played a lot with Lego's pirate line.
My brother (9 years older than me), a friend of mine and I developed "Monkey Quest" in that time.
Monkey Quest has been a little bit like Space Crusade goes Lego-Carribean:

To play, you needed: 5 Lego Monkeys, Lego Villains (either Pirates or Soldiers, depending on the scenery set that has been used), their equipment, flat grey 2x2 tiles, translucent 1x1 tiles in different colours, a D20 and the deck of event cards.

One player played the monkeys, the other player played the villains.
Equipment for monkeys and villains:
Rifle (range: 20cm, weight: 2, +10 to hurt)
Pistol (range: 10cm, weight: 1, +5 to hurt)
Saber (range: melee, weight: 0.5, +5 to hurt if 1 saber is the only thing the minifig is carrying)

Monkeys were put on a 2x2base which had a pole in the centre. I foot got attached to the pole, the others were free.
The weight a minifig (monkey or villain alike) was carrying, limited the movement and the available actions as well:
weight 1: move up to 6# and/or use weapon
weight 2: move up to 4# and/or use weapon
weight 3: EITHER move up to 4# OR use weapon
weight 4+: overburdened. May not move, just fire. (Those would not get picked usually. Only for very special scenarios.)

While the human villains naturally only had 2 hands. Though the monkeys were only required to hold onto the pole with one hand or foot only, it was assumed they needed two feet to walk and thus had only 2 hands to equip weaponry with, too.
On his turn a minifig could use each weapon once. So a minifig with 2 pistols could fire them both off. Also, pistols could be used in melee as well.
Pistols and rifles did not need to be reloaded.

A # represents 1 unit of movement which has been determined as 1 knob on the bricks.

The player of the monkeys designates 1 monkey the leader. The leader hits on a result of equal to or more than 5+2x(Weight-1) on the D20.
A leader may suffer 3 hits before the hurt-table applies.
Each other monkey is a monkey soldier and hits on a result of equal to or more than 10+2xWeight. (So with carrying a weight of 3 you hit on 10+2x3=16+)

The player of the villains picks as many of his men and equips them as follows:
1 leader (pistol + saber): The leader's saber does not weigh anything. A leader hits on 5+ and may suffer 3 hits before the hurt table applies. Color code: white
Any number of crewmen (rifle): A crewman hits on 15+. Color code: red
For each 5 crewmen 1 officer could be fielded.
Officer (rifle + saber): An officer hits on 10+. Color code: green
Any number of sailors (pistol + saber): A sailor hits on 15+, but may attack twice in melee. Color code: blue

The villains used translucent 1x1 "plates" sticked to the bottom centre of a flat 2x2 grey plate, thus creating a "blib". A "blib" represented noise a monkey could hear emanating from there.

The blibs were placed by the villain player on the Lego scenery (such as the governor's fortress or some pirate island or even a self-build scenario could work - it's Lego, after all).
Then the monkey player placed his monkeys on a Lego raft and placed the raft somewhere next to the scenery.
The monkey player would start play by moving his monkeys.
Whenever a blib came into line of sight of at least one monkey, it was turned over and replaced with a villain according to the color code. The blib would be moved to the stash. The villain stood there, until it was his player's turn.
On his turn the villain player could move each blib 4# or each revealed villain according to the rules above.

If a minifig may attack, it may do so with each weapon once per turn. A minifig hits according to its rank (see above). If a minifig hits, the player rolls the D20 again to see whether it hurt the target:
1-10: Bruise, no effect
11-15: 1 hit
16-20: 2 hits
20+: 3 hits
Add to the result the "to hurt" modificator of the weapon (see above). Hits may cumulate over time.
1 hit = light wound. Raise 1 leg to show light wound. Minifig may act normally, but movement is reduced by 1 and attack rolls are reduced by 5.
2 hits = heavy wound. Place minifig on back to show heavy wound. Minifig may either move 1# or attack with -10.
3 hits = dead. Remove minifig from game.
As mentioned before: leaders may suffer 3 additional hits without consequences.

Action Cards
Each turn one of the 10-15 action card would be flipped over.
To be honest, I do not know anymore, what each of these cards depicted. Each card, however, would have some kind of influence on the game.
For example there were "reinforcements" allowing the villain to let the D20 determine the number of blibs he could take from the stash and place them once again on the scenery (out of sight of the monkeys, of course).
Another card made one monkey throw an explosive coconut, harming each villain within a certain diameter.
Stuff like this.

Sooooooooo ... if you have read unitl here, apparentyl you have been interested.
If this is stuff you would like to pick up, refine and finsh - go ahead! It's all yours :)

Happy designing and kind regards,

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