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Tradewars - Homeworld: NEW The Derelict scenario

For a long time there has been a "disliking" of my solitary scenario for "Tradewars - Homeworld" (TWHW). First of all, the scenario is hard to play until you figure out how to beat it - and then it simply becomes a matter of time until you win the scenario.

I don't like it.

And so I began searching for AI mechanics (for another reason altogether). This had to do with the "United Trade Cartel" scenario for the Privateer expansion. I wanted a level of AI that made it that an AI player could play against the player - and have some form of AI that manages the scenario.

That search led me to watch "Race for the Galaxy" (Race) expansion which uses a really nice sort of table to do the AI.

So this brings me to the details of this blog entry. Race has helped me in designing a NEW 1 Player solitary scenario for The Derelict.

Here are the details:

  • Easy: After EACH attack the Firepower drops down to 1.
  • Medium: After a SUCCESSFUL attack the Firepower drops down to 1.
  • Difficult: After a "Hyper cannon" attack, the Firepower drops to 1.
  • Very Difficult: Only rolling 1 reduces the Firepower to 1.

I was thinking about introducing a "AI Table" which would alter the behavior of The Derelict. The Derelict uses a special alien weapon ("Hyper Cannon") which it allows it to attacks the player's Homeworld (Your starship can't defend). And there are rolls that BOOST the FIREPOWER of that weapon.

So it would use a 1d10 and have the following rules:

  • 1 = "Discharge": alien Firepower drops to 1...
  • 2, 3, 4 = "Boost" the Firepower of the alien weapon by +1...
  • 5, 6, 7 = "One attack" of with current Firepower.
  • 8, 9 = "Two attacks" of with current Firepower.
  • 0 = "Hyper cannon" attack which fires the *special* alien weapon.

Keeping track of Firepower can be done with ONE (1) Black dice and we simply ADD 1d10 to the box. No new/additional cards - just modifications to the rulebook and one (1) card!

This will make the scenario AWESOME and very replayable. The difficulty levels add a dimension to the scenario and I think overall these mechanics present a very challenging dynamic to solitary players.



Maybe, it's just me...

I actually like the "Derelict" scenario...

Truthfully, I lost only once out of 12 play-tests, but there's always the sense of tension, especially because you have to send starships into the Space Lane...and not necessarily the one with the best Crew or most advanced Weapon system. Anyway, I look forward to the new AI.


New roles for the BETA

One reason I would like to introduce a NEW The Derelict scenario is because of the NEW roles we have introduced in the BETA. Namely anything that allows you to re-purpose a starship, its crew or weaponry will also have an impact on how the solitary scenario plays out.

I think it will be *simpler* or easier to beat now (present day scenario) because of the roles such as the Captain, Commander and Engineer.

This change in direction of The Derelict scenario adds an element of tension each time you roll the 1d10 to figure out what The Derelict will do next. It also preserves the tension early on in the game when you don't have a starship yet. It also ADDS tension when you roll a double attack or the "Hyper cannon" which bypasses defenses.

I think the present day scenario has the following problems:

  • Too difficult at the starting the game.
  • Too easy once that phase is passed.
  • No challenge when you put out multiple starships.
  • No threat to Homeworld (with multiple starships).

This NEW scenario corrects all of these issues (I believe). I will buy another prototype box and have it delivered such that I can playtest in solitary mode.

Progressive challenge

The Professor wrote:
Truthfully, I lost only once out of 12 play-tests, but there's always the sense of tension...

I think with the variations on the rules (Difficulty), it will make the game much more re-playable. So initially you can choose EASY when you have never played the game and learn more about the game itself. You will *probably* win because I can't say for certain.

Then you can play again using MEDIUM difficulty which should prove a slightly more difficult game - which I believe you should also win. Next comes the player trying to play on DIFFICULT. My gut is he will LOSE the first few games and but playing it a few times and he should squeak out a victory at some point in time.

Lastly the player can choose VERY DIFFICULT and this is where beating the scenario is a challenge. It may take many tries to actually WIN at this level... Sometimes the player will lose when he was ALMOST victorious. A HUGE amount of tension and some frustration (reasonable).

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blog | by Dr. Radut