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Anyone want to try out a digital version of my game Centauri Rift online? (Gamehole Con challenge finalist)

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jejboulet's picture
Joined: 01/11/2014

I've been working on a tactical space ship combat game called Centauri Rift for some time now and am looking for some feedback. The game and its instructions are available in a free online digital version through the (still in beta testing) website tabletopia:

Centauri Rift was a finalist in the recent Gamehole Con Board Game Challenge offered through The Game Crafter. I'm currently considering options for what to do next with the game.

(Note that the rules document was specifically written for the 2-4 player version for the contest, but players should easily be able to play 2-6 players using the same rules.)

Joined: 05/15/2009
Looks good. When it's done

Looks good. When it's done playtesting, you should consider porting the game to Battlegrounds Gaming Engine.

jejboulet's picture
Joined: 01/11/2014
Thanks for taking a look

I hadn't heard of Battlegrounds until now, so thanks for drawing it to my attention. What do you consider the top reason or reasons for porting the game to this game engine specifically?

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